- The Paradox of History
- The Essence of God
- Raw Material
- Available People
- Humility
- Spiritual Gifts
- Meekness
- Baptisms
- Three Functions of the Believer
- Ambassadorship
- Seven Figures of Christ and the Church
- The Mature Believer and Personal Accountability
- Tongues as a Spiritual Gift
- Prophecies of Jesus Christ in the Psalms
- The Perspective of Grace
- Discipleship
- Blessing and Reward
- How to Redeem Time
- Dispensations Timeline
- The Rapture
- The Day of the Lord and The Day of Christ
- The Good Fight of Faith
- Suffering
- Decisions
- No Truce
- Peace
- 10 Principles of Warfare
- God is Able, God Is Faithful
- Present Session of Christ
- Religion: The Enemy’s Ace
- Power In Us
- Faith
- Small Things
- Five Techniques (to spirituality)
- Eight Sabbaths
- Faith-rest
- Strange Tests
- Daily Disciplines
- The Faith-rest Technique
- Three Sources of Temptation
- Divine Wisdom
- The Value of Wisdom
- Evil
- The Royal Code
- The Character of Grace
- The Cross to the Crown
- Water and the Spirit
- Spirituality
- Synonomous Terms
- Reversionism and Recovery
- Soul Strengths and Soul Kinks
- Discipline
- Seven Steps of Spiritual Advance
- The Race of Life
- The Will of God
- The Old Sin Nature
- Energized Prayer
- Abiding: Absolute Thinking
- God’s Faithfulness
- Salvation in The Book of James
- “All things work together …”
- Biblical Spirituality
- Dispensations
- Death
- Endurance
- Essence of God Acronym
- Eternal Security
- Fellowship with God
- Five Commands for Christian Soldiers
- Five Factors of Effective Faith
- Five Techniques of the Christian Way of Life
- Five works of the Holy Spirit
- Five Works of the Spirit in Regard to the Word
- Free Will
- Freedom
- God is Able
- God Revealed
- Greek
- Hebrew Words for Faith
- Hermeneutics
- Imitation of Christ
- Man’s Barrier with God
- Parakaleo
- Seven Steps of Spiritual Recovery
- Seven Steps of Spiritual Retreat
- Spiritual Flexibility
- Spiritual Rest
- Stages of Spiritual Growth
- Take up Your Cross and Follow Him
- The Blood of Christ
- The Call of God
- The Daily Care of the Soul
- The Doctrine of Sin
- The Good Soldier of Jesus Christ
- Christ’s Work on the Cross
- The Church
- The Holy Spirit and Christ
- The I AM Sayings of Christ
- The Importance of the Word of God
- The Overcomer
- The Plan of God
- The Spirit in the Old Testament
- The Way of Salvation
- The Way to be Salt and Light
- The Words of Jesus
- The Work of Christ on the Cross
- Using the Physical to Learn the Spiritual
- Ways of Learning
- The Christian Way of Life
- The Christian Walk
- Scriptural Proof of the Pre-tribulation Rapture
- The Five Crowns
- Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle
- 5 Circles of Faith around Jesus
- The 4 Points of the Cross
- Should I Confess My Sins?
- Canonicity Notes Available — How we got our #Bible
- Eternal Security when You Believe in Jesus
The Countdown:
- The combined body of Christ has One all-encompassing spiritual objective. Mat.28:19 “Make disciple. In this are four elements
- Authority, v. 18.
- Invitation, v.19.
- Methodology, v.20.
- Promise, v.20b.
- Each believer has Two available sources of power for the journey.
- The word of God (external).
- The Spirit of God (internal).
The essence of the spiritual life is that both must hold their rightful place.
- There are Three stages in the path of discipleship, 1Jo. 2:12-14
- The growing-up stage (from salvation to maturity).
- The stage of personal responsibility (general spiritual ditties).
- The stage of personal destiny (execution of gift and calling).
These could be called the foundation stage, building stage, and execution stage.
It is also clear that these relate to the Three virtues (faith, hope, love).
- There are Four major tests of discipleship.
- Consecration to the ”love of Christ” – 2 Cor.5:l4-21.
- Genuine positive volition to Revelation – 1Pe.2:2, 3 18.2Tim.2:15.
- Dedication to God’s “Masterpiece”, the local church – Eph 3:10, Eph 3:20-21; 1Tim 3:15-16,
- Elimination any hindrance one’s personal destiny Gal 1:15 w/ Isa 49:2; Jer l:5;1Ki l9:18.
- There are Five mountaintops on the disciples journey.
- Amen
- Batach
- Chasah
- Yaqal
- Qawah
The valleys between these mountains are the above four tests
- There are Six general duties which a believer must learn to fulfill.
- Bible study
- confession
- prayer
- giving
- witnessing
- Communion /fellowship (local church).
- The disciple needs to develop Seven spiritual skills to complete the journey (2Pe l:5-7). Virtue, knowledge, self control, perseverance, godliness, brother- love, love.
- There are Eight guardians over the garrison of the believer’s soul (Phi 4:6 -8).
- There are Nine facets in the “diamond” of discipleship (Gal.5:22-23). Why nine? Compare Joh 15:8 “much fruit…prove to be my disciples”.
- There are Ten doctrines that lay the foundation for discipleship (1 Thessalonians).
- Conversion – 1Th 1:9
- Election – 1Th 1:4
- Assurance – 1Th 1:5
- Trinity – 1Th 1:1, 1Th 1:3, 1Th 1:5
- Holy Spirit – 1Th 1:5.
- Sanctification – 1Th 4:3, 1Th 5:23
- Conduct – 1Th 1:3, 1Th 2:12, 1Th 4:1
- Rapture – 1Th 4:13-18
- Tribulation/second advent – 1Th 1:10, 1Th 5:1-4
- Resurrection – 1Th 4:14-16