  1. An ambassador does not appoint himself. We are appointed by Christ (2Co 5:18–20).
  2. An ambassador does not support himself. God supplies all our needs (Eph 1:3; Phi 4:19).
  3. An ambassador is not a citizen of the country where he is sent. We are citizens of heaven (Phi 3:20).
  4. An ambassador has instructions in written form. We have the Bible (2Ti 3:16).
  5. An ambassador cannot take insults personally; he is accepted or rejected not on his own merit but because of who he repre- sents. We are not to take it personally when we are despised and rejected by those who hate Jesus Christ (Joh 15:19–21).
  6. An ambassador does not enter a country to profit himself. We are on earth to serve the Lord (2Co 5:15).
  7. An ambassador is a personal representative of someone else; everything he does and says reflects on the one who sent him. We are representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ by action as well as by word (Joh 13:35; Joh 17:23).
  8. An ambassador’s perspective is service; his prospect is reward. We are commissioned for service and will be rewarded (Mat 5:12; 2Jo 1:8; Rev 22:12).
  9. An ambassador is recalled when war is declared. The recall of all believers at the Rapture of the Church will announce the beginning of the end for Satan (2Th 2:1–12).

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