- Around the World in Prayer: September/October 2012
- Around the World in Prayer: September/October 2014
- Around the World in Prayer: November/December 2014
- Around the World in Prayer: February-March 2015
- Around the World in Prayer: August/September 2015
- Around the World in Prayer: November/December 2015
- Around the World in Prayer: January/February 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: April/May 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: June 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: December 2016
- Around the World in Pictures 2016 – update
- Around the World in Prayer: Spring 2017
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2017
- Around the World in Prayer Update Fall 2017
- Around the World in Prayer: Winter 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: Spring 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: August/September 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2018
- Around the World in Prayer and Thanksgiving! December 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: January / February 2019
- Around the World in Prayer: April – June 2019
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2019
- Around the World in Prayer: Spring 2020
- Around the World In Prayer –Christmas 2021
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with
every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Eph 1:3
We enjoyed a fall that was both busy and blessed:
• by opportunity to teach God’s Word in Arizona, Iowa, Alaska, and Pennsylvania, and
• by the joy of fellowshipping with our friends and family throughout the USA.
• Thanks to all who joined us at the conferences and to all who were not able to be there in person but were praying for God’s mighty blessing on the time.
Now our attention turns to foreign shores. Gene is on his way to Asia with Blair, Aurora, and his sister, Cathy. Please pray for safe travel for the team and especially for effective ministry. (Nan is staying home from this trip to help with the soon arrival of grandchild #10—by God’s grace the babe will bless the home of Cody and Amy any day now! Please pray for a safe delivery and a healthy little girl who will come to believe in Jesus and be a joyful servant to our great God!)
Here is a summary of the Asia schedule so you can pray specifically each day:
- Dec 3–7 overseas and in-country travel
- Dec 8 helicopter ride into the village area; please pray that the helicopter would be running that day, otherwise the path to the village area is a long 15-hour drive over very rough, dangerous roads.
- Dec 9–12 Gene will be teaching through 1st Peter at a theological college, and Blair will be helping. Cathy and Aurora will be holding children’s Bible schools. Especially pray for salvation for the little children who attend.
- Dec 13 ministry at an orphanage
- Dec 14 youth conference and children’s Bible school
- Dec 15 Gene and Blair will be teaching at a pastors’ conference while Cathy and Aurora do children’s ministry.
- Dec 16–18 church dedication and “Golden Jubilee” (celebration of 50 years of Christianity in this area). This photo is of a village church that is just being completed, thanks to a generous contribution to BTBM designated for the building of this church. Praise God!
- Dec 19–21 The travel back home begins. Again, please pray that the helicopter will be running.
In addition to the ministry schedule, please pray for the logistics of travel and ministry in the area at this time. The government there has outlawed the use of large bills and are demanding that its citizens use only small bills or computer generated transactions. This is bringing great hardship to poor people in the area who do not have bank accounts or even nearby banks to change their money into small bills. In addition, they are limiting the amount of money allowed to be withdrawn from ATMs. The financial logistics of travel and ministry will be strained due to these regulations.
While (some) Americans typically celebrate Christmas with an overindulgence of food, materialism, and pampering of self, Christians in developing countries gather together to truly celebrate the indescribable Gift—the birth of Christ. In addition, they use this festive time of year to bless the poor and needy, which often opens the door for them to share the precious Gospel of grace with those who are without the faith that leads to eternal life. With this in mind, please pray specifically for our joint workers around the world as they begin this Christmas ministry of love. May God use it to enable the spread of the Gospel around the world!
- F and C are in country and will be visiting villages and distributing Christmas Care Packages, along with the teaching of God’s Word.
- PJF and his ministry in the city and village churches
- Please pray for Julio and Betty and their ministry in villages.
- They especially focus on child evangelism during the Christmas season.
- We just received the following note from Julio outlining their plans for Christmas ministry:
We continue with the evangelism of children and teens. This month, with Christmas, we will celebrate in several towns in the north of Piura. In these places, we celebrate Christmas by taking a gift and a meal, and sharing the Word of God with them. We hope to reach more than 600 children and 50 teens. Please pray for God’s provision for this evangelistic work.
- We just heard from Pastor Ken Mawire with specific ministries he will be conducting this month.
- Dec 9–12—youth conference
- Dec 17–18—ordination services for pastors
- He is also in the middle of a building project; please pray for its soon completion.
- Pastor Peter and Pastor Tika and their ministries
With this month’s ATWIP, we also want to ask you to pray for those who serve with us on the BTBM team. They are the ones who do all the work, make the sacrifices, wrestle with computer issues, government regulations, and a multitude of other things, so that we are free to travel and teach. They get all the headaches, and we get all the fun! Please pray for Monty and Cheryl, Ken and Sharon, Paul and Phyllis, Ron and Gloria, and John and Claudia.
Looking on toward 2017, please be praying for the team that will be going into Numba Village in PNG to teach at Ese Bible Institute. Gene and Nan will be ministering in Myanmar in January—more details to come as the time grows closer.
As Christmas 2016 draws near, we join with you in thanking God for the gift of His Son, whose incarnation, life, sacrificial death, and resurrection enable us to be blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. And we look forward with hope—the hope of Jesus Christ—to all that the faithful Father has in store for us in 2017. Thank you for blessing our lives, and the lives of so many others through your support and faithful prayers.
To God be the glory!
Praising Him!
Gene and Nan