- Around the World in Prayer: September/October 2012
- Around the World in Prayer: September/October 2014
- Around the World in Prayer: November/December 2014
- Around the World in Prayer: February-March 2015
- Around the World in Prayer: August/September 2015
- Around the World in Prayer: November/December 2015
- Around the World in Prayer: January/February 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: April/May 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: June 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2016
- Around the World in Prayer: December 2016
- Around the World in Pictures 2016 – update
- Around the World in Prayer: Spring 2017
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2017
- Around the World in Prayer Update Fall 2017
- Around the World in Prayer: Winter 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: Spring 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: August/September 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2018
- Around the World in Prayer and Thanksgiving! December 2018
- Around the World in Prayer: January / February 2019
- Around the World in Prayer: April – June 2019
- Around the World in Prayer: Fall 2019
- Around the World in Prayer: Spring 2020
- Around the World In Prayer –Christmas 2021
“The potency of prayer has subdued the strength of fire; it has bridled the rage of lions,
hushed the anarchy to rest, extinguished wars, appeased the elements, expelled demons, burst the chains of death,
expanded the gates of heaven, assuaged diseases, repelled frauds, rescued cities from destruction,
stayed the sun in its course, and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt. Prayer is an all-efficient panoply,
a treasure undiminished, a mine which is never exhausted, a sky unobscured by clouds,
a heaven unruffled by the storm. It is the root, the fountain, and the mother of a thousand blessings.” Chrysostom
Because of the potency of prayer and the faithfulness of God, we thank you for joining us in prayer for our brothers and sisters around the world. We are about to launch out on our next mission trip to Peru and Ecuador. We value your prayers for safe travel and effective ministry as we conduct two conferences in Peru and one in northern Ecuador. Cindy Cunningham is accompanying us as our translator. Please pray for her as well. Here is the schedule of our journey:
July 26–27—overseas travel
- July 28–30—conference in Tambogrande, Peru
- August 1–2—overland travel by bus and four-wheel-drive vehicle to the jungle region
- August 3–5—conference in Saramariza, Peru
- August 6–9—overland travel by bus and four-wheel-drive vehicle to northern Ecuador
- August 10–12—conference in Loja, Ecuador
- August 14–15—overseas travel back to USA
We expect about 100 attendees at each of these conferences. We will be distributing The Basics book in Spanish to them, and Gene will use that book as a starting point for the classes. Please pray for the pastors and students to be edified by deeper understanding of God’s Word, pray for their questions to be answered and their faith to be strengthened. Pray for Julio as he will be our in-country team leader.
Since 1997, we have worked with Pastor Happyson Mwashumputa, the leader of Redemption Evangelistic Ministries (REM) in Zambia. Happyson spent his life in serving the people of Zambia, as well as in many difficult and hazardous journeys to remote areas and surrounding countries to seek the lost, proclaim the Gospel, and build up the faith of the saints. After completing his last mission to Tanzania, he checked into a hospital and died shortly after. He was faithful to God’s Word in his life and teaching, and had a very funny sense of humor.
We celebrate his promotion into the presence of his Lord and Savior, but his quiet yet powerful presence will be greatly missed.
We have been helping him finish a church and conference building in Lusaka, and his last communication was so typical of him. We had sent funds to finish the work. He wrote saying that he had to use some of the money so he could go on a mission into Tanzania and asked our forgiveness for having to do that. I wrote back that we were pleased the he would value souls over a building, and there was no need for forgiveness. Now he is receiving his reward for a lifetime of faithful service.
In Zambia, please pray for:
- Pastor Happyson’s wife Joyce and his family. He leaves behind many children and grandchildren, and his passing will be a great hardship for them
- Pastor Alinani Mulenga as he will be taking over the leadership of REM and its many churches throughout Zambia and Tanzania Fall Bible conference to be held in mid- to late-September
- We are scheduled to return to Zambia in September for these conferences, Lord willing. Please pray for the necessary support for this trip and for those in country who will be making preparations for the conference in Lusaka.
The completion of the church/conference center
Pastor Mawire just keeps on keeping on! Please pray for his spiritual and physical strength as he continues to travel throughout Zimbabwe and Mozambique, presenting the Gospel and teaching God’s Word. He recently wrote and asked for prayer:
- For a new church he has planted in Mount Darwin, Zimbabwe
- For an upcoming conference in Tete, Mozambique the end of August
- Please continue to pray for RJ, his ministry, and family situation.
- Pray for the printing of the Tabernacle study that Gene taught to the students there earlier this year. The translation has just been completed so we are now ready to print and distribute it.
- Pray for our military as they continue to be under greater danger both at home and abroad.
- Pray for our nation to turn back to faith in God and obedience to His Word and ways.
- Pray for the upcoming Kansas conference August 20–23 in Topeka. Pray for Bob and Ann Norris as they host the conference, and for the teachers: Drue Freeman, Doug Wray, and Gene and Nancy Cunningham.
- Pray for the Bible conference August 28–30 to be held in Norway, Iowa. Pray for Prairie View Christian Church as they host the conference, and for their Pastor Kevin Fiedler. Pray for the teachers: Bob Norris, Doug Wray, and Gene and Nancy Cunningham.
Other ministries to continue praying for:
- PJF in India—particularly pray for his son Joshua to be guided to the right place for theological training.
- Daniel and Katie Zanich and Cross Road Bible Church in Perth, Australia
- Pastor Tika in Nepal—particularly for recovery from the recent earthquakes and ministry opportunities
- Pastor Throngji in Nagaland
- Faisal and Carrie John and their ministry in Pakistan
This past week, we woke up one morning to find that the BTBM website had been hacked by a group out of Kuwait. The battle rages on both the physical and spiritual level! Fortunately, our very skillful webmaster was able to get it disinfected and up and running again in short order. Please pray for protection around the website and the BTBM ministry. Also, pray for those who did the hacking. Hopefully, they read content on the website during the hacking process. We pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would penetrate their souls and bring them to faith in Jesus Christ—the One (and only!) true and living God of the Bible.
As always, we think of the dear saints, who read these prayer letters and act upon them, with thankful hearts. We know that you are faithful to keep these needs before the throne of God’s grace, and He is faithful to hear and to work accordingly to His perfect will.
To God be the glory!
Gene and Nan