Fellow Saints,

Basic Training Bible Ministries is pleased to offer a new booklet (4.5 x 6.5 inch) by Nan Cunningham, which is now available 1) on-line to read or download, share electronically (foward this email to a friend), or ordered using our book order form. This is a great way to present to gospel, and/or to leave behind on your coffee table when the Lord comes to get us soon. The original content of this booklet was taught by Nan in a recorded Bible class HERE.

The Gift booklet can be ordered now

John 3:16 is the most well-known Bible verse throughout the world. It is simple enough for a child to understand, yet so rich that theologians and pastors struggle to fully communicate the depths of God’s love contained in this one small verse.

In 2 Corinthians 9:15, the Apostle Paul speaks of the gift of God’s love and says, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.” I love that word, “indescribable,” because when I think of the goodness of the Gospel, it is hard for me to describe the joy and purpose that my salvation brings to every day of my life. We cannot begin to describe the gift of God’s grace because, as humans, we cannot fully comprehend all that God is and all that He has given to us in the Person of Jesus Christ.

This little book is written in an effort to describe something that is indescribable! We will look at this verse in six parts:

  1. For God
    The Indescribable God
  2. So loved the world
    His Indescribable Love
  3. That He gave His only begotten Son
    His Indescribable Sacrifice
  4. That whoever believes in Him
    The Simplest Invitation
  5. Shall not perish
    The Indescribable Danger
  6. But have eternal life
    His Indescribable Gift

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