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Thanks to the American Bible Society “The Gospel of John” for the video scenes.

I want to remind us of the perspective that Jesus, our Savior, had concerning His own death. Because I think it helps us appreciate it a little bit more. His death was 1) Purposeful, 2) Voluntary, 3) Joyful, and 4) Glorious.

Well, first of all, His death was purposeful. He recognized that He was going to die. John 12:27 says, “What shall I say, Father, do not let this hour come upon me. But that is why I came.”

The purpose of his death was also voluntary. It was a voluntary or volitional outpouring of His love, and it showed full and true submission to God, the Father. Romans 5:8, “for God demonstrates his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” In the garden, Jesus said three times to the Father, “not My will, but Your will be done.” In John 10:17-18 Jesus said, “The Father loves me because I’m willing to give up My life in order that I may receive it back again. No one takes My life away from Me. I give it up of My own free will. I have the right to give it up and I have the right to take it back.This is what my father has commanded me to do.”

His death was purposeful. His death was voluntary. His death was also joyful. Hebrews 12:2 says, “Who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and He sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus was fully aware of the pain and the suffering that He would face at the cross, but He had his eyes on the joy, and that joy was purchasing our eternal destiny.

And then finally, Jesus considered death as the path to glory. In John 12:23 He said those words, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to receive great glory.” And this is an amazing verse to me because this is shortly before the passion week. This is shortly before He would go through all of that suffering, the betrayal, the arrest, the scourging, the piercing of his hands and feet, the crown of thorns on his head, and the gathering up the sins of the world that pierced His heart. He didn’t say the time has come for the Son of Man to be tortured and tormented and suffer for the sins of the world. No, He said, “the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” He ignored the suffering and kept his eyes on the glory. And if we can grasp the truth of that verse, it would totally change our perspective of the sufferings in our life.

So this is His perspective of His own death. He was born to die.

Gene Cunningham - January 28, 2003

Hebrews 16

Hebrews 16

Psa 103:1-3 Heb 3:7-11 importance of keeping our eyes on Christ, and as a result entering into His rest Life in spiritual realm always boils down to faith. Psa 103:7-8 Heb 3:7-11 Peace comes from looking to Jesus. Trust results in Christ living in us. Don’t measure yourself by anyone else. Just being available by trusting Him is all Christ needs to live in and through us. Exceptions: Moses Psa 103:7-8 Great believer knows His ways, believer in failure only knows His works. What a person does, doesn’t really tell you more than a little about that person. Are we able to get to know God from what He does? Are you able to look at the work of the Cross can you not understand His way of dealing with you know? How can we look at the cross and doubt He can provide, the temptations, failures, burdens we bear not matter to Him. The Cross is the work, and the care is the way. Isa 53:5 How can you look at that work of such vast love, commitment, loyalty to us, and now in your time of darkness or rejection or loneliness, think that the Lord Jesus would not be willing to bear your burden. Bring me take me lead me open my eyes to know you vs. give me The cup symbolizes the greatest broken-heartedness of human history, but still the willingness to see it through. Don’t be content just to see what God does. He never changes. Every valley leads to another mountaintop. Heb 3:1 Psa 103:7 speaks of spiritual stature Heb 3:1-6 Jesus is superior to Moses. He is the builder and the Son of the house. So the covenant under Christ should be held in higher regard than the covenant under Moses. Israel saw His works, but they did not know His ways. Israel saw His works, but Moses saw His ways. If you focus on the works, you always look backwards, and you’re looking in the wrong direction. Exo 14:1-31 Exo 15:1-27 another water test, they grumbled against Moses As soon as they faced a test, they forgot what God had done, it was as if He never did it. Psa 103:7 God made Moses know His ways because he asked Him. Exo 33:13-18 Is there more glory in the work or the person of the work? Jam 4:6 Moses didn’t just want to see what God could do, but he wanted to know God intimately. He wanted to know the character behind the work. Psa 103:6-11 Because of their own guilt, they believed every test was God’s punishment. They were self-pre-occupied, and not occupied with God. Num 12:3 Genuine humility, set yourself so aside that all you can see is Him. Upside down pride focuses on failures, magnifies the person instead of Jesus. Psa 103:13 What is the fear of the Lord? Trust. Psa 103:14 There are no surprises for God. He knew it all before time began. He knew it when Jesus volunteered to die for us before we were made. God knows our frame. Psa 103:17 Mercy The later writings of Paul focus on God’s mercy. Least of the Apostles then least of Saints then chief of sinners then nothing. 1Ti 1:1-20, 1ti 2:1-15, 1ti 3:1-16, 1ti 4:1-16, 1ti 5:1-25, 1ti 6:1-21, 2ti 1:1-18, 2ti 2:1-26, 2ti 3:1-17 2ti 4:1-22 and tit 1:1-16, tit 2:1-15, tit 3:1-15 Mercy of the Lord is a theme. Brought on behalf of the need of frail man. A great compassion that cannot walk by. An inability to not meet the need. The Good Samaritan. Do not doubt the character of our God Joh 14:6 If you want to know His way, you must get to know Him on a deeper level. Psa 103:1-5 When God blesses us we receive great gain, when we bless God, we acknowledge Him. Nothing less than all would meet our need. He heals all your diseases. He’s in the process. He starts with the diseases in the soul. The ruin is the self induced destruction we all put on ourselves, and only Jesus can save us, because that’s the way He is. He crowns us with tender mercies. Are you bound to look back? Or can you look forward because you know His ways? Exo 16:20 Exo 17:1-7 One thing you can do to test God, not trust Him. Then He gets provoked. Let’s come to the next water test, and sing praises instead of doubt and question Him. It’s possible to go through your whole Christian life of God providing and caring for Him, and not grow one step closer to Him. Arthur John Gossip: “Christ is our matchless Redeemer”

Scripture References: Exodus 14:1-31, Numbers 12:3, Psalms 103:7-8, Titus 3:1-15, Hebrews 3:1-6, Psalms 103:6-11, Hebrews 3:7-11, Titus 2:1-15, Psalms 103:7, James 4:6, Psalms 103:1-3, Titus 1:1-16, Hebrews 3:1, Exodus 17:1-7, Exodus 33:13-18, Psalms 103:17, Isaiah 53:5, Exodus 16:20, Psalms 103:7, Psalms 103:14, Psalms 103:7-8, Psalms 103:1-5, Exodus 15:1-27, Psalms 103:13, Hebrews 3:7-11, John 14:6

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