1st Corinthians 15:3-4 says “For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” Gene taught at the annual Basic Training Bible Ministries conference in Western Pennsylvania on October 6-8, 2017 . The Abundant Life Church and Gene Cunningham presented: “The Gospel According to Paul.

Gene Cunningham - August 2, 2011

Philemon #8

Philemon - A Living Parable of God\'s Redemption - California 2011

Philemon is reminded by Paul that he is among great men (Phm 1:23-25). Each of us have an opportunity to stand among the heros of the faith. Mark was already reconciled with Paul by this time; though unprofitable before, became profitable. Aristarcus traveled and served many places with Paul (Act 19:29; Act 20:4; Act 27:2; Col 4:10). Demas stands in the group mentioned, but in end of 2nd Timothy we find Demas has forsaken the Apostle "having loved this present world". Luke is mentioned only twice in the epsitles, and may have been Titus' brother. What will be the fruit that comes from your life?

Does Christ have a place in your life? Does Jesus Christ have His rightful place in your life? Jeremiah revealed that the Messiah would have no place to rest in Israel (Jer 14:8-9). Jeremiah sees the destruction of his nation and the Messiah is powerless traveler with no lodging for the night. Luke records what Jeremiah had seen in the Christmas story (Luk 2:6-7). We have refused Him access, a place in our life, decisions, priorities, and actions, all while professing faith in His name and declaring that we love Him. He could not find a place even in His own land (Mat 8:19-20). Certainly our nation has blocked him out of the public arena. Those that go by His name have no place for Him. When He taught near the Temple, many enjoyed the lessons, but afterwards, everyone went to their homes; He had to go to the mount of Olives (Joh 7:53; Joh 8:1-2).  "Their eyes were restrained so that they did not know Him" (Luk 24:16) though He was in their midst (Luk 24:30-31). He calls to us day after day; we don't hear. He's asking for a resting place (Rev 3:20) to reveal Himself and make His abode (Joh 14:22-23) and to dwell in our hearts through faith (Eph 3:16-18). 

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

Scripture References: John 7:53, Ephesians 3:16-18, Acts 19:29, Matthew 8:19-20, John 14:22-23, Philippians 1:23-25, Luke 2:6-7, Revelation 3:20, Jeremiah 14:8-9, Luke 24:30-31, Colossians 4:10, Luke 24:16, Acts 27:2, John 8:1-2, Acts 20:4

From Series: "Philemon - A Living Parable of God's Redemption - California 2011"

In Philemon 10-11 Paul writes 'I appeal to you for my son Onesimus whom I have begotten while in my chains who once was unprofitable to you but now is profitable to you and to me.' These verses highlight the theme of the letter namely redemption and reconciliation. The annual Weekend Bible Conference was held 5-7 August 2011 in Orange County California.

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