The Gospel According to Isaiah

“The Evangelist of the Old Testament
Anticipates the Coming of the Savior”
Northern Virginia Bible Conference
April 1-3, 2016
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” ISA 61:1
Many scholars consider Isaiah to be the evangelist of the Old Testament. This year, the theme for the Northern Virginia BTBM Bible Conference was “The Gospel According to Isaiah.” Gene examined Isaiah’s rich prophecies given in the eighth century before the birth of Christ. There is an astounding array of passages that portray the virgin birth, the unique hypostatic union of God and man, the proclamation of John the Baptizer, and then the life of Jesus—His ministry and substitutionary death, followed by His resurrection and future glory.There are even find hints of the call and formation of the Church—the Body of Christ—and our own purpose in the story of the ages.
Jesus read the theme verse in the Synagogue in Nazareth (LUK 4:16-19) at the inauguration of His ministry.



Gene Cunningham - April 15, 2011

Fight the Good Fight #2

Fight the Good Fight #2

Recommended books: "Back to Faith" by Fred Lybrand; "Chosen but Free" by Norman Geisler. "Godly edification" is spiritual growth that results in conformity to Jesus Christ; anything else being taught is just blather (1Ti 1:3-6). "Sound doctrine" makes you spiritually healthy (1Ti 1:7-11). Battle lines: Timothy stands with Paul and those who have sound doctrine (1Ti 1:5, 1Ti 1:10, 1Ti 1:11). Judiazers used the law unlawfully (1Ti 1:5-8, Rom 8:1-4, Gal 3:10-13, Gal 3:21-21). The purpose of the law is to show an unbeliever the standard of God and how we fall short and to  point us to the solution: salvation by Grace through faith. Paul covers the ten commandments in 1Ti 1:9-11. Paul identifies five of God's undertakings on his behalf (1Ti 1:12-17): (1) God gave Mercy; (2) God gave exceeding abundant Grace; (3) God enabled Paul by giving the spiritual gift of apostleship (1Co 12:7); (4) He counted Paul faitful (because He made Paul capable of being faithful); (5) God put him into the ministry (Gal 1:15). Jesus Christ came to save and not to judge (1Ti 1:15, Joh 3:17). Paul evaluates himself from a Biblical perspective ("the least" 1Co 15:9, "less than the least" Eph 3:8, "chief of sinners" (1Ti 1:15). There's only one way up in God's economy and that is down (Mat 18:1-4). It's God's work to put him into the ministry. God provides everything needed for that ministry. There is no excuse for failure. 

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

Scripture References: Ephesians 6:12-18, John 3:17, Acts 16:1-3, Galatians 1:15, Galatians 3:21, Galatians 3:10-13, Romans 8:1-4, Matthew 18:1-4, Titus 3:8, Ephesians 3:8

From Series: "1st Timothy - Fight the Good Fight - Phoenix Arizona 2011"

Fight the Good Fight' was given in Phoenix AZ 2011.

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