The Gospel According to David

 Rocky Mountain Bible Conference

May 27–29, 2016

In Psalm 32 David declares, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity.” Paul uses this quote in Rom 4:7–8 to support three great truths of the Gospel:
(1) Justification is by faith in Christ alone;
(2) God imputes His righteousness to those who believe the Gospel; and
(3) This righteous standing before God is apart from works of any kind.

Ezer Kalmovitcz - June 2, 2024

America the Beautiful - An Isreali Perspective

From Series: "2024 AR - I Didn't Kill the Giant"

Grace Bible Church of Hot Springs, Arkansas and Basic Training Bible Ministries on 31 May to 2 June, 2024 presented a weekend Bible Conference. Gene Cunningham and his son-in-law from Australia will teach “I didn't kill the giant” based on Psalm 56:3–4.

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