The Gospel According to Abraham

Arizona Bible Conference

September 2–4, 2016

“And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the
gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, ‘In you all the nations shall be blessed.’
So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.” Gal 3:8–9
“Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He does not say, ‘And to seeds,’
as of many, but as of one, ‘And to your Seed,’ who is Christ.” Gal 3:16
Gene taught “The Gospel According to Abraham” over Labor Day weekend in Prescott, Arizona.
We have recently completed studies in “The Gospel According to Isaiah” (No. Virginia April 2016) and “The Gospel According to David” (Colorado May 2016). The purpose of these studies is to show that the Gospel message—pointing men to Jesus Christ in faith—is declared throughout Scripture. In fact, this is the central message of the Bible. Certainly, in the Old Testament, the nature of the Gospel message is necessarily prophetic as His coming and redemption are spoken of as future events. Job’s statement regarding his “Redeemer” reveals that, in ancient times, the message of the coming Savior was clearly stated and understood.

In the future, we will also study “The Gospel According to Noah” (Uniontown October 2016) and then “The Gospel According to Moses” (No. Virginia Spring 2017). The combined weight of these studies should greatly strengthen our faith in the unity and harmony of the Scriptures and, at the same time, motivate us to “imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises,” Heb 6:12.

Paul states that the Gospel was “preached … beforehand [in advance] … to Abraham.” The content of that message was that “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” Let’s look at the repetition of the message first, then we will consider its implications. There are five passages in which this promise is made to Abraham. Each is significant in the life and history of Abraham.
By gaining an understanding of the unity and harmony of the biblical message, we come to see that, indeed, Jesus Christ is the focus from Genesis to Revelation; and faith in Him as Savior is the only way to enter into eternal life. This is just as true for Old Testament people as for those living after the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.

Gene Cunningham - April 19, 2023

What type of blood does God have?

What kind of blood does God have? 1st Peter 3:18-19 answers this: “You were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” Jews would instantly think, Passover lamb. The Passover Lamb set us free. And I hope that you never look at the term “blood of Christ” and only think of the blood that ran in His veins. You know, in Acts Chapter 20, when Paul says, “God purchased the Church through His own blood.” What kind of blood does God have? Type A? Type B? O-negative? No, he put it in those terms so that we would understand that when we use the term “the blood of Christ,” we are talking about a payment that is so deep and so vast and so universal so absolutely astounding. The only way to describe it is “Blood of Christ,” because we know He hung on that cross. We know that He died. But what we forget is He was imputed with the sins of every member of the human race. All of the shame, all of the guilt of those sins passed through His soul. That was the "precious Blood of Christ."

From Series: "Gospel Shorts"

These are intended to reach unbelievers. Please share these with your unbelieving friends.

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