These lessons were presented May 23–24, 2014 at the Rocky Mountain Bible Conference in Denver, Colorado. At this conference, Gene teaches on passages from the book of Hebrews including the following subjects:
►  Hope as an “anchor of the soul”
►  Eternal security
►  “Pressing on to maturity”
►  Baptism
►  Christ as the perfect sacrifice
►  Process of “falling away” (to include the sin unto death)
►  Priesthood, ambassadorship, and ministry of the individual believer
The key verse for the conference is Heb 6:18–20:
“That by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation,
we who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: which hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
both sure and steadfast, and which enters within the veil; where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, even Jesus,
having become a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.”

Anchor of the Soul — Colorado 2014

Gene Cunningham - October 12, 2000

Biblical Chivalry #4

Biblical Chivalry #4

Rev 12:1-17 History is like a woman under siege. Rom 13:1-2 Authorities are chosen by GOD, do not defy. Gen 3:1-31 Introduction points: God created man to reflect his glory Isa 43:7; ‘Man’ includes male/female, a man alone cannot fulfill man’s purpose Gen 1:27; ‘Man’ fulfilled by each playing their own role (pierce, to be pierced); Man was made in the wilderness NOT the garden; Man must observe and imitate GOD, Adam initiated faith & Eve responded; Eve was made as Adam’s War Buddy. For the Ladies - Role of Women: Gen 3:15-16 Identified by her sex; Her title “suitable helper” — Provider of the solution. Eve anticipated the savior Gen 4:1. Woman was the focus of spiritual conflict until the birth of Christ. Joh 6 — Jesus Christ watches the father; Man watches Jesus Christ: Wives watch the husband. 1Pe 3:7 revolves around keeping her (woman) on your side. Biblical role models for women: Zipporah Exo 4:24; Rahab Jos 2:6; Jael Jdg 4:5; Deborah Jdg 4: ; Abigail 1Sa 25. Noah protected woman and the seed which would crush the head of the serpent by submitting to the will of GOD. Role of woman Psa 8:2. Teach us Psa 22. Psa 18:13-20 Helps one who is mighty. Why need help? Ish 63: 3-5. Jer 31:31-34 Because of THE ‘turn of affairs.’ The vital role of marriage in GOD’s plan is that Spiritual heritage cannot be passed on without it! Mal 2:13-16. Christ’s lineage is a lineage of faith. Mary’s role model: Luk 1:38 submissive; Joh 2:4-5 Imitates; Joh 19:26-27 Anguish. Woman is to Man as the Holy Spirit is to the Church.

Scripture References: Psalms 18:13-20, John 19:26-27, Genesis 1:27, Psalms 8:2, John 2:4-5, Isaiah 43:7, Judges 4:5, Luke 1:38, Genesis 3:1-31, Joshua 2:6, Malachi 2:13-16, Romans 13:1-2, Exodus 4:24, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Revelation 12:1-17, Genesis 4:1, Isaiah 63:3-5, Genesis 3:15-16

From Series: "Biblical Chivalry"

Men are to have a battle a romance and victory. Chivalry defined 'a knight' gentlemen in the highest sense of the word. Chivalry is a code of conduct containing courage honor and readiness. Our role from GOD is to be a man with courage endurance and love!

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