>>>Notes for Revelation can be found HERE <<<

The three-fold outline of the book Revelation one is found in verse 1:19. Notice that Jesus says, talking to John, “Write the things that you have seen, the things which are, and the things that shall take place after these things.” If you look through the Book of Revelation, you’ll find that the phrase “after these things” is repeated over and over. And why is that? I think John is emphasizing to us that there is an orderly development of how things are going to happen. Some of it’s difficult to understand. Some of it we probably can’t fully grasp. But John wants us to understand that what is coming during the seven years of tribulation is going to be a very orderly, systematic judgment of God on the Earth. So he says, “Write the things that you have seen,” in the past tense. Right? So, what has John seen in the past in Revelation chapter one? The vision of Christ. He’s recorded that for us. “And the things which are” represent chapters two and three which deals with the seven churches of Asia. “The things that will take place after this,” represent Chapters four through 22. So, John really gives us his own outline. And if we just follow that outline, it’ll save us from a lot of confusion.

In the first few chapters, we have the seven churches as John ministered to them. In Chapters four and five, we see the church in heaven. There are certain things that are said that tell us that that can only be the church in heaven, which fits with our understanding of the rapture of the church. What do we read in Revelation 4:1? “I heard a voice saying, ‘Come up here.’”. Then in Chapters six through 19, we have the tribulation period itself. It’s very interesting to notice, the word church occurs 19 times in the first three chapters. It does not occur from Chapters six to 19 — the section that deals with the tribulation period. Instead, who do we read about? The nation of Israel. Remember that Paul tells us in Romans 11:25. “Blindness, in part, has happened to Israel.” God is faithful to His promises; what about the nation of Israel? Is God finished with the nation of Israel? Their time is yet coming, and that’s going to be the tribulation period. So, in chapter six through 19, we read about Israel. We read about the tribes. We read about Jerusalem. The whole focus goes back to the promised land.

So let’s go back to Revelation 1:1. “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him to show His servants things that must shortly take place and He Jesus sent and signify it by His Angel to his servant, John.” So, this book has been passed down from the Father to the Son to an angel to John. “Who bore witness of the Word of God in the testimony of Jesus Christ to all things that He saw. Blessed are those that read and hear the words of this prophecy and keep the things that are written in it for the time is near.” Because the Book of Revelation deals with everything from the time of John till the end of the Kingdom. No matter where you live in that time, the time is near because whatever is next to come is going to come and it’s going to come quickly. We notice several purposes behind the book: 1) to reveal Jesus Christ, 2) to reveal the course history, 3) to finish John’s testimony, and 4) to bless those who study the book and not only study but obey the book.

John identifies himself now in Revelation 1:4, “John to the seven churches which are in Asia.” This a typical opening of a letter in the ancient world; you identified yourself first and then identified who you’re writing to. “Grace to you and peace from Him, who is and who was and who is to come. And from the seven spirits who are before the throne.” So, what is “who is and who was and who is to come?” They mean that He’s infinite, and eternal. “The seven spirits before his throne” harkens to Isaiah 11:2, which lists the spirits of God having seven characteristics. So essentially, he’s talking about the Holy Spirit. The interesting thing to me at this point, in the first four versus we have the Father, we have the Son, we have the Holy Spirit, and they’re all sending greetings to us. They’re all working for our spiritual well-being.

Revelation 1:5 says, “From Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first born from the day of the ruler over the kings of the earth. To him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” This is talking about the finished work of Christ on the cross, the one who provided for us our so great salvation. Revelation 1:6 should really excite us, “and has made us kings and priests.” In all the Old Testament, you never read of a prophet, priest, and king together. Jesus is prophet, priest, and king. Here, we’re told, “He has made us kings and priest.” You can go to 1st Peter 2:9, where Peter reminds us that we are a royal priesthood. There was no royal priesthood in the Old Testament, with one exception: Melchizedek the King priest.

Revelation 1:7 says, “Behold, He is coming with clouds.” I don’t know about you, but I long for it more and pray for it more every day. “He is coming with clouds and every I will see him. Even they who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him.” Which coming is John talking about — the Rapture or Jesus’ second coming? Ask yourself the question, at the rapture will every eye see Him? No, not unbelievers. It’s going to be a secret departure. They will not see him. We will simply be gone. So, we know we’re talking here about the second coming. “All the tribes in the earth will mourn because of him.” Revelation 1:8 says, “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end says Lord.” Which “beginning” is this? Go back as far as you want. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” That’s the beginning of creation. And then we have in John 1:1, “ In the beginning was the word.” What beginning is he talking about? As far back as you want to go into eternity past, and whatever beginning you can imagine and He was there. That’s the one “who was.” In first John 1:1 says, “That which you heard from the beginning.” You might remember too in Mark 1:1, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ,” a different beginning. Here in Revelation 1:8, the Lord says, “I am the beginning, and the end says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come. The Almighty.” What amazing statement of His dignity and glory and majesty.

In Revelation 1:9, John begins to describe for his congregations the conditions of his vision. “I, John, your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.” We’re all in this together as children of God. He continues, “I was on the island that is called Patmos” off the coast of Turkey, “for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” In other words, under persecution under Emperor Domitian, John was having too much effect, just like Paul was earlier. But unlike Paul, who was executed for his testimony, Domitian just shut him away on the Isle of Pattern of Patmos so John could write Revelation.

Gene Cunningham - January 28, 2003

Hebrews 02

Hebrews 02

Two things fixed in our minds throughout this study: 1. -Theme is the High Priestly ministry of Jesus Christ. HEB 8:2 A Totally unique kind. We each have priesthood has a ministry. 1PE 2:5-9 We are to follow the lead of the High Priest. We minister outside the veil, while He is on the inside. 2. -Aim of theme is the fulfillment of its purpose , that we fix our eyes on Jesus Heb 12:2 Get our eyes off of our circumstances, weaknesses, problems and instead to fix our eyes on Jesus Heb 3:1 (to bear down in concentration in our mind) Heb 12:2 (to get our eyes off of other things and fix them solely on Jesus) These two things are essential if we are to fulfill our own priesthood. Heb 5:1 A priest ministers the things of God to the people. That is what He calls us to. We need to have that burden for the world around us. It’s not just for the pastor or evangelist or missionary, it is for you as a believer in Jesus. Key Word: Better Three areas of Superiority Person of Jesus Heb 1:1-8:5 He is better than the prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua, Aaron Work of Jesus Heb 8:6-13, Heb 9:1-28, Heb 10:1-39 Better Covenant, tabernacle and sacrifice Faith vs works of the law Heb 11:1-40, Heb 12:1-29, Heb 13:1-25 Warning Passages 1. These are following a progressive error of the people of the time. The falling away of believers in their steadfastness in Christ. They show a progression of what happens to a believer, and what happens as their discipline. 2. Starts with apathy to Word of God Heb 2:3 (neglect) 3. Hardened heart against Word Heb 3:13-15 4. Danger of falling short of Grace of God Heb 12:15 (to fail to use His grace to accomplish His purpose for our life) 5. Willful sinning against God Heb 10:26-39 6. Refusing Jesus Heb 12:25-29 Final refusal of correction Him who is speaking is Jesus Christ. Don’t refuse Him. It will be dire consequences. If you follow this process your life will not be pleasant. God is jealous for you, a jealous love, and that jealousy will not accept second place. No one knows the author of Hebrews. This study is practical because it hits at the root of the problem for the life of a believer, the devil’s subtly. Maybe nothing big has happen, but he slowly turns us to become spiritually unconscious (asleep 1th 5:10) He wants to rob us of our first love for Jesus Christ. Do you love Him as much now as when you first were saved? Has your love diminished, if so, then the devil has snuck in and robbed you of that treasure. Written to Jews who believed in Jesus. 2ti 3:12 They suffered persecution. They were removed from their ancient heritage, and they had second thoughts. They wanted to go back into the temple to offer sacrifices, which is referred to in Heb 6:6. Accurate Analysis is dependent on: • Historical understanding/setting of the book • Grammatical questions and problems • Lay a doctrinal foundation (verified through Scripture) If you have Christ’s love for others then we need to be praying on behalf of other people in the world. The background of these believers and what they were facing spiritually, as well as in the world, with the revolt against Rome, and then the destruction of Jerusalem is the historical backdrop of this book. Heb 1:1-3 Starts off with so much truth, truth about the person of Jesus Christ. He wants us to stand in awe of Jesus, and without Him Christianity is nothing. Urgency in the tone of these verses. “in Son” a strong, powerful blow. God has spoken, and now God has said His last word, in Jesus Christ. 2pe 1:21 The amazing things that happened during the Old Testament that God used to proclaim the truth to the world is nothing compared to the grand finale: Son God has said everything He has to say to man in Jesus. The God, the same as the One who is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is the same God now who speaks in Son. The author didn’t use the definite article before “Son” in order to present it in as forceful a way as possible. This grammatical construction magnifies the character of the person. Jesus: God’s final revelation Heb 1:1-3 Everything in the New Testament was quickly finished, roughly 60 years, when it took the progressive revelation of the Old Testament 1500 years to finish. Seven Superiorities, Uniqueness of Jesus: 1. He is God’s Son Heb 1:2, Joh 1:18, Joh 19:7 2. He is the heir of all things Heb 1:2, Psa 2:7-8 3. He is the creator of all things Heb 1:2 He made, designed, organized matter and space, spiritual 4. He is the glory of God made visible Heb being=eternal existence, a blinding light Joh 1:18 Character: stamp that left an impression. An exact match. That is was Jesus Christ is to God. If you want to know God, know Jesus. He wanted us to view God as our Father. How much more than our earthly Father. 5. He sustains the universe Heb Upholding/Sustaining=to carry or to bear, to carry something in motion Col 1:17 He does it by His spoken word. Verbal command. 6. He is the redeemer Heb 1:3 Jesus Christ made purification of all things. Construction: He made purification of sins. From beginning of human history with Adam and Eve, all the way to the last sin at the end of history, every kind of sin, He cleansed all of them. Whatever sin will continue has been paid. 1Jo 2:2 We can only wonder at what He did on the cross. 7. He is sitting at the right hand of the Majesty on High. Heb 1:3 His work is complete, and He can rest from His work, because it is finished. Work He continues while His work for us is finished, and that work is what He wants to do through us. Forgive, that shows Christ’s love to the world. What should the study of Hebrews do for us? God has an intention for us in this study. It should renew our first love for Jesus Christ. Where we love Him more than anyone or anything else. He will be a treasure, a source of joy, despite dire circumstances. He is always there for you. Gal faith works through love Call us to a greater purity in our devotion to Christ. He cannot use vessels that are unfit. God uses pure vessels. He is calling us to purge our life because Christ purged our sins. We can begin conquering and overcoming these things because His Spirit is in us. Ask Him what is in your life that you’re not letting Him deal with it, and if you’re honest and submissive, He will point it out, and let Him take care of it. Urgency, time is running out. Challenged to be faithful priests in our ministry to Him. We have been called to a position that only God can give. Heb 5:4-6 We are His personal possession. To treasure what they forsook. Learn how precious what we have here. It is something to defend and fight for. Heb 12:18-25. See to it, that you do not refuse Him who is speaking to you. Let’s not reject Him, let’s not harden our hearts to His voice.

Scripture References: Colossians 1:17, Hebrews 12:15, Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 1:2, Hebrews 9:1-28, John 1:18, Hebrews 3:13-15, Hebrews 8:2, Hebrews 1:1-3, Hebrews 8:6-13, Hebrews 1:2, Hebrews 2:3, Hebrews 12:18-25, Hebrews 1:1-3, Hebrews 1:1-8, Psalms 2:7-8, Hebrews 13:1-25, Hebrews 5:4-6, Hebrews 6:6, Hebrews 5:1, Hebrews 1:2, Hebrews 12:1-29, Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 12:25-29, Hebrews 12:2, John 19:7, Hebrews 11:1-40, John 2:2, Hebrews 10:26-39, Hebrews 3:1, John 1:18, Hebrews 10:1-39

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