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Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2000

Life of Moses #11

Dedication of the firstborn (Exo 13:1-10). First-born received special blessing, and responsibilities (Gen 48:18). The rights of the first-born -- primogeniture (Deu 21:15-17). First-born rights: priesthood (spiritual leadership), rulership, inheritance or double portion. Reuben lost his firstborn status (Gen 49:3). "Consecrate to Me all the firstborn" man and beast are included (Exo 13:2, Rom 8:21-23). Firstborn slain in Egypt a picture of curse of sin; those delivered, a picture of redemption. Sanctification has fellowship in view; firstborn privilege pictures redemption but includes a purpose -- hence the memorial. Israel was to remember the deliverance. Not look back at Egypt as what they "lost". Redemption has an expectation (Exo 13:5); it looks forward to the plan of God (1Co 5:7, 1Co 11:26). Redemption involves a testimony (Exo 13:6-7)-- a declaration of our dependence of God. Holiness means "wholesome", complete, or full -illustrated in the seven days of unleavened bread - really a fast -- denying other opportunities -- the seventh day was a "feast to the Lord". Fellowship is reward in His presence. A life of sanctification and sacrifice is "reasonable" service (Rom 12:1). It's only impossible if done in the body. God struck the first-born because it was "the best" they had. Redemption comes at a price (Exo 13:11-16). The option is death or redemption.

Scripture References: Exodus 13:1-10, Exodus 13:5, Romans 8:21-23, Exodus 13:2, Genesis 49:3, Exodus 13:11-16, Deuteronomy 21:15-17, Romans 12:1, Genesis 48:18, Exodus 13:6-7

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