The prophet Malachi ministered to the Jews who returned from exile. In 586 B.C., Jerusalem was utterly destroyed (see Lamentations), and the final deportations of captives were taken to Babylon. Some captives (about 50,000) began to return under the leadership of Zerubbabel (see Ezra, Haggai, and Zechariah). However, the 70-year captivity was not over until the temple was rebuilt and worship resumed in Jerusalem, in 516 B.C. (see 1Ki 8:46–53; Jer 32:36–37; Dan 6:1–17). Many of the sins cited by Malachi were already prominent in the time of Nehemiah (cf. Nehemiah 13) and were corrected by his reforms.
These notes are from the February 2011 conference on Malachi held in Florida.

Malachi – The Choice of a Nation – Florida 2011

Gene Cunningham - May 20, 2003

Losing To Gain #1

Philippians - Losing To Gain - June 2008

Phi 3:7-8 -- The value of Christ devalues everything else (Luk 9:23, Mat 6:24, Luk 14:23). We have to be convinced of the loving care of the Father (Mat 6:26-30). In this present life we can have great gains (Rom 14:17). We have to recognize eternal profit from temporary loss. (Mat 13:44). "things that were gain to me... I count as loss for Christ" means worthless assets exchanged for great gain. Parables showing selling all to attain the prize wanted (Mat 13:44-45). The treasure is the surpassing value of knowing Christ. The loss is a radical change of mind regarding value. The gain is the great joy and priceless possession that cannot be lost. 3 qualities of discipleship: (1) ability to identify things of eternal spiritual value - character and relationship; (2) we need to be determined to take hold of things worth having; (3) we need to have a precipitous haste regardless of how unreasonable it seems. "and be found in Him" a relationship verse -- God visiting us personally - finding us in fellowship (Phi 3:9-11). Paul wants to experience the resurrection (personal presence and power) of Christ. Resurrection demands death (Rom 6:4). Philippians is a call to unconditional surrender to Christ (Phil 3:17).

Scripture References: Romans 14:17, Matthew 6:26-30, Philippians 3:17, Luke 14:23, Romans 6:4, Matthew 6:24, Philippians 3:9-11, Luke 9:23, Matthew 13:44-45, Philippians 3:7-8, Matthew 13:44

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