As we study the message of Christ to the seven churches, we will do well to keep in mind four interpretation aides given by Dr. C. I. Scofield:

  1. Local meaning—these are seven actual churches existing in John’s time and to which    he ministers.
  2. General meaning—these conditions may be found in churches throughout the Church Age, and this gives us a key for evaluating a local church by the “mind of Christ,” (1 Cor. 2:16).
  3. Personal meaning—each message includes the challenge “to him who overcomes” and [him] who has an ear.” Thus, we can evaluate our own lives by this.
  4. Prophetic meaning—these seven churches are chosen in this order to illustrate church history from the time of John to the Rapture.

Two major trends are seen running through this account. First, there is the purifying process going on for those who are true believers—the “overcomers” by faith, 1 John 5:4–5. Second, there is an increasing apostasy of dead human religion. At the Rapture, the Body of Christ is removed, but apostate Christendom goes on to become the “great whore” of Revelation 17.

EphesusRevelation 2:1–7

The church of Ephesus was founded by the Apostle Paul (Acts 18:18–21; 19:1–20). John came there before the destruction of Jerusalem and made Ephesus the center of his circuit ministry. “Ephesus” means “beloved,” yet this church is rebuked for losing its love for Christ. They had many good “works” but had “fallen” from their occupation with the person of Christ.

Historical Ephesus illustrates church history from 35–100 AD. Note Satan’s attempt to infiltrate the church through the Nicolaitans. The word comes from niko (“to conquer”) and laos (“the people”). This attempted establishment of a “church hierarchy,” which distinguished between “clergy” and “laity,” was repulsed in the first century.

The warning to the believer who “has an ear” and would be an “overcomer” is to constantly maintain personal fellowship and love for Christ as the greatest of spiritual priorities. Obviously, we can only love the Living Word by loving and living the written Word. Revelation 2:5 gives the road of recovery as remembrance, repentance, and return to first acts of love for Christ. Here, we see the beginning of the cooling process leading to the Laodicean church.


  1. Commended for endurance, their stand against false apostles and the Nicolaitan heresy.
  2. Condemned for reversionism—the “first love” from which they had “fallen” was the sound doctrine of the book of Ephesians.

SmyrnaRevelation 2:8–11

“Smyrna” means “myrrh,” which was a gum or resin that was crushed to give off a fragrance. Myrrh was also used in embalming the dead. This church was persecuted and suffered greatly. Christ greets them as the One “who was dead, and came to life.” This poor church was rich in God’s sight, for they were faithful in spite of suffering, slander, and death. They are promised the “crown of life” (James 1:12). Note here Satan’s two-fold attack of external persecution and internal infiltration by legalistic Jews whom Christ calls the “synagogue of Satan.”

One of the great martyrs of Smyrna was the Pastor Polycarp, who was a student of John. He was burned at the stake, and won the crown of life!

Historically, Smyrna represents Church history from 100–300 A.D., a period of great persecution by Rome. At this time, Christianity was despised by the world as a collection of ragged, poor, deluded people, yet they were rich before God. When we come to Laodicea, we find a large, rich, respected church that is naked in God’s sight. Is there any question where we are today?


  1. This is the edified church.
  2. This suffering church endured the most and lasted the longest.
  3. Encouraged but not condemned.
  4. Smyrna had many great teachers and a maximum number of believers in maturity.

PergamosRevelation 2:12–17

“Pergamos” is a compound word meaning “married, exalted.” Pergamos was a rich, influential city of Asia Minor. Yet the church was worldly. She is greeted by Him “who has the sharp two-edged sword,”—the Word of God (Heb. 4:12). She has permitted the infiltration of three heresies. One, Satan had set up his throne here. We find that the teaching of the Babylonian mysteries were actually carried to Pergamos about 133 B.C. These teachings begun in ancient Babylon, would in time become so assimilated by Apostate Christianity as to become “Mystery Babylon.” Pergamos was the center of Caesar worship. Second, the doctrine of Balaam had gained a foothold (Num. 22–25). This was basically a teaching of compromise with the world—Balaam taught Israel to intermarry with the heathen—thus a “marriage” of the Church and the world. Third, the Nicolaitans who were repulsed by Ephesus are accepted in Pergamos.

What begins in apostasy as “deeds,” develops into “doctrines,” which in time becomes “denominations.” The overcomers will receive the “hidden manna,” the deep things of Christ (John 6:31–33; Col. 1:26), and the “white stone,” representing the vote of approval from God.

Historically, Pergamos represents church history from 300–500 A.D. Constantine made Christianity a “state religion” so that it became joined to the heathenistic practices of Rome.

During the period of this apostate union, Damasus, the Bishop of Rome (an unbeliever) was given the title of Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian mysteries which came to Rome from Pergamos. Thus Satan’s program to “assimilate” the Church through infiltration took a great step forward. This was the age of “heresy,” yet even here there were “overcomers” who stood against the tide, and died a martyr’s death!


  1. It is the “surrounded” church.
  2. Pergamos was one of the most evil cities of the Ancient World. It was here that Satan had his headquarters on earth.
  3. There were many strong believers in Pergamos, but they were surrounded by religious apostasy.
  4. They are condemned for allowing apostasy into the church. Idolatry and rituals of ceremonial sex had infiltrated the church.

Thyatira—Revelation 2:18–29

The Son of God greets this church with flaming eyes and feet of judgment! Though there is some approval in Rev. 2:19, the church has become a haven for “Jezebel,” an actual woman who became prominent as a teacher and led people into idolatry and immorality. Though God gave her “time to repent” she would not. She is a preview of the “great whore” (Revelation 17) and so will be cast “into great tribulation” along with her children, i.e., apostate Christendom.

Even in Thyatira some remained faithful, Rev. 2:24–29. They are to hold fast to truth and are promised great authority in Christ’s kingdom for standing against the usurped authority of this Jezebel. They will be decorated with the “morning star,” the reflected glory of Jesus Christ (compare Dan. 12:3, 2 Pet. 1:19).

Historically “Thyatira,” which means “continual offering,” speaks of the age of Romanism, 500–1500 A.D. In Romanism the “once-for-all” sufficiency of the cross is denied for a continual offering of works, penance, and sacraments as a means of salvation. Just as Jezebel will not repent, neither will this system of idolatry as the “Babylon” of the future (cf., Jer. 51:8–9, Rev. 18:4). The “deep things of Satan” are the Babylonian teachings perpetuated by the Roman Church.


  1. Again, commended for production and service under pressure.
  2.   However, again as others, condemned for allowing apostasy to enter, along with demonism and occult practices.
  3.   Warned to hold fast.

Gene Cunningham - January 28, 2003

Hebrews 14

Hebrews 14

Heb 3:1-6 Thrust of this book is a challenge to believers in a historical crisis to fix their eyes on Jesus. It’s stated several different ways Heb 3:1 “consider” Seven things the author wants us to take into consideration Consider-takes mental effort, energy, focus, to establish a way of thinking, it’s designed with the end in view of blessing us heb 3:6 Three things that keep our eyes off Christ 1-Self, we look at ourselves, there are two extremes (human nature is always extreme and the divine is balanced) strengths and weaknesses. In your strength you look at yourself in pride. In your weakness you look at yourself in your failure and inadequacy . Dangerous to sin in your mind because it’s the easiest to cover up. 2-Look at someone else. If you look at someone’s strength, then you feel inadequate. If you look at someone’s weakness, then you feel pride. Same effect. What is the eye of the soul looking at. Rom 12:3 look to Christ then we will see as God sees. 3-Look to circumstances. Things are going great because rom 8:28 The author is challenging and commanding us to look where we’re supposed to look. It’s dangerous to not look where you’re going. Where are we going? Phi 3:12-16 upward path from the cross to the crown Heb 12:1-2 Jesus is the Author and Finisher. He cheers us at the beginning to go, but He is also at the finish calling us toward Him. We must make a lot of decisions in life, but a runner makes the choice to make every step get him closer. The one who focuses on the finish and doesn’t bother looking to see where everyone else is keeps his speed. It’s a call that says “come here” it starts on the earth and you end up in heaven Seven things he wants us to see about Jesus 1. Apostle-presents God to men, to declare the things of God in ways that men can understand, take divine truth, and as a man communicate it in a way men can understand. Jesus communicated it with His words and with His life. Ultimately, all your learning comes from Jesus, who gave you His Spirit so you could understand. 1co 2:9-10 2. High Priest-this takes us one step further, takes us into the presence of God, when He went to the cross and was resurrected and ascended and sat at the right hand of God, God received Him and accepted His work, and He accepts us the same way. As long as Jesus is sitting there we are welcome in God’s presence. He is our advocate because we are a new creation. Heb 2:17 mercy withholds judgment we deserve. We are all sinful and deserving of wrath and judgment. We all have equal standing before God without condemnation. Jesus always has, always will, He will never change, He is always merciful to us. Heb 5:6 after order of Melchizedek He is a warrior priest king. Heb 5:15 priest able to sympathize with our weaknesses. Heb 5:2 when God chose a priest in the Old Testament, a qualification was a person with weaknesses so he could deal graciously with others. He is able to sympathize with you, your thoughts, words, actions. Psa 103:1-22 heb 7:26 He is just the kind of High Priest sinners need. He is exactly what we need. Heb 8:1 He is the theme of the book. No matter where you’ve been looking, look to Jesus. Don’t look at yourself or other, look on Him only. Look at Jesus, look at His plan, look at His deliverance, look heb 13:8 He is for us, who can be against us. Confession means to agree with God. To speak the same thing. He is the Apostle, the High Priest 1ti 2:5 Job 9:33 Jesus is the mediator that has come, the God-Man. Joh 3:33 you agree with God. Don’t just do that at the moment of salvation, do it today knowing He is still your Great Shepherd. Do you really believe Jesus has an intimate and ultimate love for you, He knows every fear and anxiety, and He wants to carry it for you. He is the friend of the sinners, the weak, the broken, the reject. 3. Faithfulness- He is always faithful. He never changes heb 3:2 Heb 13:8 num 12:7 num 12:3 Moses was humble. He fell down, underwent divine discipline. Men see differently than God. God’s pleased with Moses just as he was. God uses all of us just as we are. Rev 19:11 Faithful and True, that’s Jesus’ name. 4. Worthiness-Heb 3:3 This is a big deal for the author, because to the Jews, Moses is the greatest. He’s saying to these Jewish believers that Jesus leaves Moses in the dust. He is infinitely beyond Moses. Worthy means weighing things of value, and Jesus always has always been more worthy. rev 5:11 glory and honor anthem of angels, the chorus is worthy to receive glory honor and power because You created all things. The greatest failure anyone can make about Jesus is to only see Him as a man. He is God. Joh 1:1-6 Jesus made two households. Israel and the Church. Jesus was a servant, a noble servant, the man who served voluntarily, the house of Israel. Jesus called Abraham, and guided Moses, He was the pillar of fire and smoke, who resided in the Holy of Holies? Eph 3:14-15 God alone gives meaning to the word “Father” the author of the plan of salvation. 5. Deity- heb 3:3-4 The author declares that Jesus is God. Don’t forget you are dealing with God in the flesh. If Jesus isn’t the God-man then salvation is not possible. Isa 9:6-7 6. Sonship-Heb 3:6 He is faithful in a house as a Son. The second household is the church with a heavenly calling. Joh 14:1-4 He has chosen us to be His bride. If it took God 6 days to make such a beautiful world, how wonderful do you think the place will be that He’s been working on for 2,000 years. Marriage to Jesus is Heaven. Eph 5:32 He is perfect and we will be made perfect. Marriage on this earth as the best it has been is just a preview of what we can expect with Christ. You are not cheated if you don’t experience marriage this side of eternity. Surpassing your wildest expectations. 7. Foundation Stone-Blessing He has in mind when He tells us to keep looking on Jesus. We need to begin our day thinking about Him, reading, praying. Continue through the day. How does this relate to Jesus in my life, pray constantly that He would keep our eyes fixed on Him. We belong to His house as believers. There is a conditional phrase that says if we hold fast. Don’t read into scripture, just read what it says. We are His house as a believer, He sent the Holy Spirit to be our guide and teacher so we can fulfill the plan He has for us. The grace of God will not remove our personal responsibility. This if is a maybe, if maybe you will and maybe you won’t, have in your possession and to hold, firmly grasping. If we firmly grasp what we’ve been given as a gift we will experience the blessings of fixing our eyes on Jesus. He is the foundation stone of spiritual steadfastness. What if we don’t hold fast? The consequences of failing to lay hold of His resources by faith are losing many things, but the worst thing to lose is Christ Himself in the sense of His fellowship 2co 13:5 Jam 4:7 in the experiential sense, if you are indifferent to Him He will do likewise, but if you draw near He will draw near to you. Rev 3:14-22 expulsion, nauseating. There’s nothing that makes Jesus more sick than someone with every resource and indifferent to Him and His plan. Be a beggar for more things from God, He will give the purified faith, that we might be clothed in white. Beware of a chasm between you and Him. Problem is a believer that took his eyes off of Christ, Jesus ultimately withdraws and is on the outside, treated as a stranger, and humbly knocks and asks permission to come back in. Heb 3:6 what are we to hold fast to? If you want Jesus to be the Son over the house, to have authority in your life, we have to hold fast the confidence and rejoicing of our hope, our absolute assurance, conviction, confidence in God. It will produce courage to face the conditions we’ll face, and joy in the midst of them. Trust in Jesus, in the Word of God. If you trust in Him you’ll be able to face whatever comes with courage, boldness and joy. It’s the hallmark of faith. Heb 11:1- they sang songs of rejoicing, people who could give thanks to God in everything. Mat 24:13 not about eternal salvation, the believer that endures to the end, runs to the finish line and will be saved 1jo 2:28 saved from abide in Him=consider Jesus saved from being ashamed at His coming. The greatest tragedy in the Christian life would be to stand in His presence in shame, the one factor that will cause shame is failure to look to Him in trust. We look to Him for the work He’s already done. Learn, pray, seek to keep your eyes on Jesus Christ.

Scripture References: James 4:7, Hebrews 13:8, Philippians 3:12-16, John 1:1-6, Psalms 103:1-22, Ephesians 5:32, Hebrews 3:2, Romans 8:28, Revelation 5:11, Hebrews 5:2, John 14:1-4, John 3:33, Matthew 24:13, Romans 12:3, Hebrews 3:3, Hebrews 5:15, Hebrews 3:6, Job 9:33, Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 3:6, Revelation 19:11, Hebrews 5:6, Isaiah 9:6-7, Hebrews 13:8, Hebrews 3:6, Hebrews 3:1, Numbers 12:3, Hebrews 2:17, Hebrews 3:3-4, Hebrews 8:1, Revelation 3:14-22, Hebrews 3:1-6, Numbers 12:7, Hebrews 12:1-2, Ephesians 3:14-15, Hebrews 7:26

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