“For there is born unto you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

Born unto you

The greatest event in human history was the coming of the Creator of all things into His own creation. The most astounding fact is that He came, not to bring judgment, but to die for His own wayward and rebellious race of men. He came to die for you and for me.

This day

While we do not know the exact date of His birth, it is right that we set aside one day to acknowledge His entrance into our fallen realm. It is astounding that history does not record for us the precise day, but perhaps this is so that we should remember it every day.

In the city of David

Prophecy deals only with historical essentials, never in trivial facts. The Redeemer of the world had to be born in a precise location, at a specific time, to fulfill the Word of God. Bethlehem, the “House of Bread,” gave to us the Bread of life. To simply receive this bread with gratitude and eat by faith, brings to each of us eternal life.

A Savior

This Gift above all gifts is the essence of ultimate hope and the message of joy to all the world. What more can a lost and dying race need; what gift could be greater to those under the curse of sin and death, than life—eternal life! “He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The greatest rescue operation in all of history began with the birth of a peasant child in a stable.  What a humble Savior!

Who is Christ the Lord

The Christ, or Messiah, could only be one person in all the history of the world. He had to be the God-man. For this reason He is called the “only begotten Son. He who walked among us in true meekness and humility was the Lord of all, whose hands cast the stars into space and named them all. Yet, most astounding is that He who named the stars by the billions knows the number of the very hairs on our head!

If only we knew and accepted the magnitude of His love for us, none of our trials and sorrows in this life could drag us down. Not only would we prevail over all of life’s tests, but we would do so triumphantly and joyfully.

May the wonder and joy and blessedness of His coming lift each of your burdens and fill each heart with joy and gratitude.

In the wonder of His grace,

Gene and Nan