Gene Cunningham - February 24, 2010

Beauty for Ashes #4

Beauty for Ashes #4

Mary and Martha had a decision to believe, to take the comfort when Jesus mentioned the resurrection (i.e., "do you believe this". "Father of all mercies, the Father of all comfort" (1 Co 1:3). 5 steps in life: 1) We have to chose the attitude we have: humility or pride. 2) There are two priorities resulting: spiritual or carnal. 3) From that we'll either make a wise or foolish decision. 4) Our actions then, are either right or wrong. 5) The results of actions therefore, are either blessing or cursing (Deu 11:26). If life doesn't taste good, guess whose recipe you're using. Wisdom is the skill of using God's word in life. The 5 wisdom books: 1) Job teaches the skill of how to suffer. 2) Psalms teaches us to pray. 3) Proverbs teaches us how to think. 4) Ecclesiates teaches how to live in the world the way it is. 5) Song of Solomon teaches us how to love. We learn in our human relationships whether our relationship with God is right.

The Father as the source of comfort: Psa 84:1-12. You cannot have a family without 3 people. Ephesians is trinitarian; "For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named" (Eph 3:14-15). Conference notes are . Three sections amplify the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Those who abide in Christ will always be praising Him (Psa 84:4). Be will to take the challenge of life, the difficult path (Psa 84:5). We have to go through the valley because there's no other way to receive the Father's comfort (Psa 84:5-7). Faith to faith: (Rom 1:17) spiritual growth. Strength to strength (Psa 84:7). Glory to glory (2Co 3:18). He is the Lord of the Armies, standing guard, but also "the God of Jacob", the God who transforms lives (Psa 84:8). The need arises for comfort; the provision is there when needed. The Lord is our shield (Psa 84:9). "No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly" (Psa 84:10-12).

Compounds of the word Jehovah:

  1. Jehovah Jireh — "I am your all-sufficiency" (Exo 3:15, Exo 22:14);

  2. Jehovah Rapha — "I am your healing" (Exo 15:26);

  3. Jehovah Shalom  — "I am your peace" (Jdg 6:23-24);

  4. Jehovah Raah — "I am your Shepard" (Psa 23:1);

  5. Jehovah Tsidkenu — "I am your Righteousness" (Jer 23:6)

  6. Jehovah Sabbaoth — "I am your Defender" (Psa 84:3, Psa 84:8)

5 steps to experiencing God's comfort (Isa 61:1-3). Gospel of John speaks of God the Father 109 times, more than he mentions faith.

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

Scripture References: Psalms 84:5-7, Exodus 3:15, Psalms 84:3, Psalms 84:5, Psalms 84:10-12, Jeremiah 23:6, Psalms 84:4, Psalms 84:9, Psalms 23:1, Ephesians 3:14-15, Psalms 84:8, Judges 6:23-24, Psalms 84:1-12, Psalms 84:7, Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 11:26, Isaiah 61:1-3, Romans 1:17, Exodus 22:14, Psalms 84:8

From Series: "Beauty For Ashes - Florida 2010"

Have you ever stood in great need of comfort and encouragement? If so you know that in time of affliction there is no thought or word that has deeper meaning nor any possession of greater value than that of effective and genuine comfort. The objective of this study is to equip us to have the assurance that there is comfort available and to know how to be comforted as well as how to be a comfort to others in the fires of affliction.

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