Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2000

Life of Moses #18

Blessing comes from utilizing provisions of God's grace. Mosaic Law follows the Abrahamic covenant by 430 years; the law entered because of transgression (Gal 3:17-19, Rom 5:20). Law of God (Rom 7:22, Psa 19:7) is the total revelation of God's standards; Law of Moses; Law of Christ (Rom 8:2, Jam 1:25) the Spirit enables us to do the things God would have us do. Law: (1) reveals God's Holiness (Deu 5:22); (2) given to reveal man's sinfulness; (3) given to separate the nation of Israel (Psa 147:19-20, Eph 2:11-17); (4) establishes set a standard of blessing based on obedience; (5) given to prepare the nation for the coming of Christ (Gal 3:24); (6) is a shadow of things to come (Heb 10:1). Law cannot: (1)justify (Rom 2:20-28); (2) law cannot provide righteousness (Gal 2:24); (3) law cannot bring perfection or sanctify (Heb 7:11-19, Heb 10:1-2); (4) law cannot bring peace to heart of man (Heb 9:9); (5) law cannot give life (Gal 3:21, 2Co 3); (6) cannot make us spiritual (Gal 3, Act 15). The ten commandments (Exo 20:1- 26). One represents unity (Exo 20:2-3) - "no other gods before Me" (Joh 4:24, 1Pe 3:15, Col 1:18). Satan violated this with his 5 "I wills". When God has His rightful place there is peace and harmony. Two is the number of witness - to God alone - no idols (1Co 10:20). Idolatry is disciplined by God for generations afterward (Exo 20:4-5). Two is used as a testimony of a true believer. If we love him we'll keep His commandments (Exo 20:6, Joh 14:23, Joh 15:10) Three is the number of the Trinity. "Name" is the reputation of God (Exo 20:7). We violate the third commandment when we call ourselves reverend or Christian(Psa 111:9, Mat 6:9). We are blessed by all three members. Four is the number of Earth (Exo 20:8-11) - remember the sabbath. It takes work to live (1Th 4:11, 2Th 3:10-12). Work builds character. Five is number of Grace - honor Father and Mother (Exo 20:12) - parents are a gift of Grace (Eph 6:2, Luk 2:52). Grace changes people. No one is transformed by hostility. Six is the number of man (Exo 20:13) - shall not murder (Gen 9:5-6, Mat 5:21-22). Seven means divine fulfillment (Exo 20:14) - do not commit adultery recognizes marraige as the foundation of society. Eight is the number of new beginning (Exo 20:15). When men regard the possessions and privacy of others it's a new beginning -- "love your neighbor..." not steal (Rom 13:8, Eph 4:28 - transformation of a thief to a giver). Nine is the number of human failing (e.g. 9 lepers walked away) (Exo 20:16). False witness causes the greatest devastation (i.e. slander, maligning, half-truth, and innuendo); we pass on things concerning others that are not edifying; that's false witness (Jam 3:1-18). Ten is the number of Divine rule (Exo 20:17, Rom 7:7). thou shalt not covet is putting self first and not allowing God His will; the pure in heart rests in what God provides (Mat 5:8, 1Ti 6:6-8). New Testament application: (1) "No other God" Col 1:18 - Christ preeminent in our life (1Pe 3:15); (2) No idols (Mat 6:33); (3) We are called by the Name of the Lord (Eph 4:1 - walk worthy); (4) Sabbath is not repeated in the N.T. (reason: it was a sign - Exo 31:13), but principle of moment by moment rest is (Heb 4:3, Heb 3:9-11); (5) Attitude to those in spiritual leadership (Eph 6:1-2, Heb 13:7-17); (6) Hatred to brothers (Joh 13:35, 1Jo 3:12); (7) Faithfulness in marraige, and to our Groom, Christ (1Co 7:1-40, 1Co 6:17-20); (8) we rob God of what is His due (1Co 6:20, 2Co 8:1-7); (9) false witness; we don't have a missionary zeal (Mat 28:18-20, Act 1:8); (10) Covet - If we are content, we won't covet (1Ti 6:6-8). Summary: We are empowered by the Spirit to excel the law; we're above it -- our standard is the life of Christ (Joh 1:17). Love for God and man summarizes the law (Rom 13:9). Challenge: Why do we study the Law? Danger is that we're willing to hear, but no intention to do (2Ti 3:5, 2Ti 3:7, Mat 15:8). We need to pray that God create a true thirst and hunger for righteousness (Mat 5:6). Illumination without transformation is evidence of betrayal, disloyalty, and insubordination to Christ. We need to unconditionally surrender; obedience is the fruit of loving Him.

Scripture References: Exodus 31:13, Hebrews 9:9, Matthew 5:21-22, Romans 7:22, Exodus 20:4-5, John 3:12, James 3:1-18, Ephesians 2:11-17, Matthew 5:6, Matthew 6:9, Ephesians 4:1, Hebrews 10:1-2, Genesis 9:5-6, Romans 5:20, Colossians 1:18, John 13:35, Exodus 20:16, Psalms 147:19-20, Matthew 15:8, Psalms 111:9, Matthew 6:33, Hebrews 7:11-19, Exodus 20:13, Galatians 3:17-19, Hebrews 13:7-17, John 4:24, Ephesians 4:28, Deuteronomy 5:22, Romans 13:9, Exodus 20:7, Colossians 1:18, Galatians 2:24, Luke 2:52, Ephesians 6:1-2, Exodus 20:2-3, Romans 13:8, James 1:25, John 15:10, John 1:17, Matthew 5:8, Romans 2:20-28, Ephesians 6:2, Hebrews 3:9-11, Exodus 20:1, Exodus 20:15, Romans 8:2, John 14:23, Acts 1:8, Romans 7:7, Hebrews 10:1, Exodus 20:12, Hebrews 4:3, Galatians 3:21, Exodus 20:14, Psalms 19:7, Exodus 20:6, Matthew 28:18-20, Exodus 20:17, Galatians 3:24, Exodus 20:8-11

From Series: "Life of Moses"

After 40 years in the Egyptian palace then 40 years in the desert then 40 years leading Israel to their land Moses' life can actually teach us about living in the time we live.

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