"Deny yourself" (Luke 15:9) means that we should not trust ourselves, but entrust ourselves to Christ and the cross. When we follow the cross we become the channel of God's provisions to others: (1) every believer is a priest to God (2) we are an ambassador (3) we are a minister to other believers (4) we are a disciple (Mat 28:19-20). Function of the priesthood: there's a task, an offering to bring, and an office to fulfill. "Present yourself" (Rom 12:1) -- He wants us to be at His disposal -- available completely (Isa 6:8). Our weakness in the sin nature is both legalistic and lascivious (Rom 2:1-29). Salvation breaks the power of the sin nature. The body is now a temple (1Co 3:16, 1Co 6:19). Jesus took on a physical body in the incarnation -- He sanctified the body because He had no earthly father. This shows God's purpose for the body (Rom 5:12, Col 3:17-23). "living and holy sacrifice" (Rom 12:1) means abundant and spiritual life. In order to sacrifice an animal, you took its life. Likewise, we as a living sacrifice mreans we must lose our life -- we no longer own it. Jesus Christ owns us (Mat 10:39, 2Co 5:15). "Holy" involves salvation , the filling of the Spirit, and obedience (Eph 5:2). Priesthood (1Pe 2:5-9, Heb 5:1-10). Jesus had 3 titles to royalty (1) Divine title: as "Son of God, (2) Messianic "Son of David"; (3) Priestly title: "after the order of Melchizedek". As a priest we need to minister in things pertaining to God, and lead men to God (Mat 5:16, 1Pe 3:15). As God dealt with man through the Mercy Seat so He wants to minister to men through our bodies -- where the Spirit of God dwells.
Romans 12 and specifically Rom 12:1-2 is a pivot point between the doctrinal section and application of the book. This series methodically uses this passage to outline aspects or doctrines of the christian life -- God's provision and our prospect. Our lives can be acceptable to God if we progress on the path He intends. Living Sacrifice presents 12 doctrines: (1) redeeming time; (2) standing (positional truth); (3) self-presentation - availability; (4) approval; (5) service; (6) provision; (7) spiritual warfare; (8) conformity; (9) spiritual advance; (10) renewal; (11) divine guidance; (12) abundant life.