Review of Daniels 70 weeks. Amplification in the discourses of Jesus Christ. In Olivette discourse ask three questions. Jesus tells disciples first to not be afraid (Mat 24:4-6, Heb 13:6, Psa 56:3, Psa 56:11, 2Ti 1:7). (1) "When will these things be?" answered in Luk 21:20-24. (2) "What is the sign of your coming? - answered in Mat 24:29-31. Signs relate to Israel (Mat 12:38-39, 1Co 1:22). Church age believers assurance is to come from inside. It is an evil and adulterous generation seeks for signs (Mat 16:4 Mar 8:12). Signs of the Messiah - the virgin birth (Isa 7:14) and sign of Jonah -- the resurrection (Luk 11:29-30, Mat 16:4, Jon 1:17). The sign of tongues (Isa 28:11-13, 1Co 14:21-22) was a slap in the face to Israel - Gentiles were evangelized in their language at Pentecost. In tribulation Mat 24:3, Mat 24:29-30, Luk 21:25-28, Rev 6:12-14). The signs of the Second Advent (Mat 24:29-31, Rev 19:11-20). The signs will be during the tribulation. John the Baptist references signs -- the Holy Spirit and fire (Mat 3:3-12). Unbelievers attitude "as in the days of Noah" (Mat 24:36-39). Anti-type baptism - the ark is a picture of Christ (1Pe 3:19-22 ,1Co 12:13, Col 3:1-4, Eph 2:6). Unbelievers are cast off the earth - the Baptism of Fire (Mat 24:30, Rev 14, Rev 19). The disciples last question Christ answers first: "What will be the end of the age?" (Mat 24:9-28). This applies to the Age of Israel. The "gospel of the kingdom" refers to John the Baptist message and those evangelists in he tribulation (Mat 24:14). The abomination of desolation is when the Antichrist breaks the covenant with Israel (Mat 24:15, Dan 9:27, Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11, 2Th 2:2-8). The Great Tribulation is the second half of the tribulation (Mat 24:15-28). Deliverance of Jews in the tribulation at the Second Advent (Zec 14:1-8). Daniel's 70th week is defined in Rev 6-19. 144 thousand sealed and their converts in the tribulation (Rev 6:9-11, Rev 7:9-12). Two witnesses in the tribulation (Rev 11:1-13). Angelic announcement in the tribulation (Rev 14:6-7).