Upper room discourse has bookends: Joh 13:1 Jesus loved the disciples to the "uttermost"; Joh 17:24-26 "that the love which You have love Me may be in them". Criteria for fellowship is cleansing (Joh 13:10, Joh 15:2-3, 1Jo 1:7-9, 1Jo 2:1-2). Power for fellowship rests in the Holy Spirit (Joh 14:17, Joh 14:26, Joh 15:26). Promise: if you take advantage of moment-by-moment fellowship with Jesus Christ, He will disclose Himself to you (Joh 14:21, Joh 14:23, 1Jo 3:16). Jesus lived His life from the basis of who He was (Joh 13:1-3, Joh 13:31-32, Joh 17:4). Position is not practice; we are clean, but we need to be cleansed; we are His friends, but if we obey Him (Joh 13:10-1, Joh 15:1-3, Joh 13:17, Joh 15:14-15). The world can know because it sees the evidence in us (Joh 17:14-19, Joh 17:21-23). Experiencing our position is the goal. Our birth in Christ we forget (Jam 1:18). Scripture shows us who we are. We need to reflect Christ (Jam 1:21-25). Because are "beloved" we should love on another (1Jo 3:16-23, 1Jo 4:7-21). "If you know these things you are blessed if you do them".