Knowing God—A Study in 2nd Corinthians

Moving Beyond Knowledge into Experience—

Igniting the Tinder of Truth by the Fire of the Spirit

This conference was presented in Northern Virginia February 28–March 2, 2014.


“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness,
who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2Co 4:6


Second Corinthians is much more than just a defense and vindication of Paul’s ministry. It expounds the foundation of his life and service in the experiential knowledge of God in all His varied manifestations to Paul. In other words, Paul was who he was, and did what he did, because he continued to grow in his knowledge of God. This knowledge was not merely intellectual or academic. Rather it was essentially experiential, as Paul came to know the living Christ in his daily life.

2nd Cornthians – Knowing God – 2014-Northern Virginia

Gene Cunningham - September 25, 2003

Ezekiel #9

Ezekiel #9

Justice is a characteristic of God. Righteous and Justice comprise Holiness (Det 32:4, Isa 45:21). Mercy is dependent on Justice executed on the cross -- He judged His own Son. Justice is in fact an act of Mercy. If we don't draw near in Grace, He'll draw near in Justice. It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God -- His discipline begins with His own house. Ezekiel 8 Outline  - "the Holy Jealousy of God"; Ezekiel 9 - "the Glory of God Departs". Ezekiel 10 - "Ichabod - the Glory of God departs". God's jealousy with our areas of idolatry (Jam 4:5, Eph 4:30). Gold and faith are refined through fire (1Pe 1:7). The Glory and jealousy of God was provoked by the image of the sex God Ashteroth in the temple (2Ki 21:7, Eze 8:1-6). Israel worshiped animals (Eze 8:7-10). Israel's elders worshiped the idols in their heart (Eze 8:11-12; Rom 1:23). Jaazaniah brother delivered Jeremiah (Jer 26:24) his nephew was a believer (Jer 39:14) - faith doesn't run in families God knows everything in our hearts (Heb 4:12-14). Do I have an image of jealousy in our hearts? The father of Jaazaniah was a Godly man (2Ki 22:8-11). Tammuz was the idol son of Nimrod who was killed -- the fertility god of the Sumerians. Tammuz dies and his sister Ishtar rescues/resurrects him then marries him -- the beginning of easter. The priests were also worshipping the sun. (Eze 8:16, 2Ch 29:6) Violence is a characteristic of a degenerate nation (Eze 8:17). Point of no return had been reached (Eze 8:18). Messiah is referred to "the branch" (Mat 2:22-23). They treated the promised messiah with the utmost of contempt (Eze 8:17). God calls for the angelic executioners as the glory of God departs (Eze 9:1-3). Judgment begins with the house of God (Eze 9:7, 1Pe 4:17). The Glory departs from the throne to the threshold (Eze 10:4); then threshold to the East Gate (Eze 10:18-19); then East Gate to the Mount of Olives (Eze 11:23). Before being arrested, Jesus retraces the steps of the Glory then pronounces judgment (Mat 23:37, Mat 24:3, Joh 17:4)

Scripture References: Ezekiel 8:16, Ezekiel 9:7, Ezekiel 8:1-6, John 17:4, Hebrews 4:12-14, Ezekiel 9:1-3, Ephesians 4:30, Matthew 24:3, Jeremiah 39:14, Ezekiel 8:17, James 4:5, Matthew 23:37, Jeremiah 26:24, Matthew 2:22-23, Daniel 45:21, Ezekiel 11:23, Romans 1:23, Ezekiel 8:18, Isaiah 45:21, Ezekiel 10:18-19, Ezekiel 8:11-12, Ezekiel 8:17, Deuteronomy 32:4, Ezekiel 10:4, Ezekiel 8:7-10

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