First and Second Peter are grouped in what are called the General Epistles, written to the Church at large. The theme of First Peter is the refining and growth potential in our sufferings, 1Pe 1:3, 1Pe 1:6; 1Pe 2:2. This epistle was written to believers scattered by persecution throughout Asia Minor (1 Pe 1:1). The date was circa 64-65 A.D.—the beginning of Nero’s persecutions. First Peter is the best known and loved of these epistles, called by E.J. Goodspeed, “One of the most moving pieces of persecution literature.” This epistle is written to suffering believers, and is styled by Isaac Walton as, “affectionate, loving, lowly, and humble.” This epistle conveys an intense expectation of the Lord’s return as seen in 1Pe 1:5, 1Pe 1:7, 1Pe 1:13, 1Pe 2:12, 1Pe 4:13, 1Pe 4:17, 1Pe 5:1, 1Pe 5:4.


Gene Cunningham - January 8, 2000

The Divine Mentor #2

Jesus' upper room discourse covered the coming Holy Spirit, and 4 things showing our need: (1) He washed their feet -- we can't cleanse ourselves; (2) He gave an impossible command "love one another as I have loved you"; (3) the works He did He promised He said we'd do more; (4) "If I go away, I will send a helper". "He will guide you in the way..." (Joh 16:12-14). Does God guide like He used to? Yes. He has given us a longing to "go home" (Ecc 3:11, 1Jo 2:17). We need guidance because God knows us intimately, He knows our future, and He has a purpose no one else can fulfill. If we trust in ourself or others, our heart departs from the Lord; our heart is deceitful (Jer 17:5-9). God cannot guide a rebelious heart (Jer 42:1-6, Jer 44:16-17), if we bargain with Him (Gen 28:20-21), if we ignore His will, or if we don't search scripture. Don't expect special guidance when duty is clear or as a substitute for common sense (1Ki 13:1-34). 3 ways to look for guidance (1) by example -- Jesus in the gospels (1Co 11:1); (2) in practice (Act 8:1-5, Act 10:19, Act 16:7); (3) in principle in Epistles. These things must align in determining God's will: (1) Gods Word; (2) the inner urging of the Spirit; (3) providential circumstances.

Scripture References: Jeremiah 17:5-9, Acts 16:7, John 2:17, Acts 10:19, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Acts 8:1-5, John 16:12-14, Genesis 28:20-21, Jeremiah 44:16-17, Jeremiah 42:1-6

From Series: "The Divine Mentor"

The Divine Mentor is God the Holy Spirit. God answered Jesus' prayer to provide us the Spirit not just to be with us but in us -- to pray with us labor with us to guide us teach us and equip us -- the goal being that we'd be prepared for the troubled times in which we live.

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