This study was presented in the August 2013 Bible conference in Southern California.

Though Corinth was a “problem church” for Paul, how thankful we ought to be for them, for without their problems and questions, we would not have the answers and guidance provided in this wonderful letter. As with all the epistles, the challenge is to lay hold of the character of Christ. We are to be “transformed by the renewing of [our] minds” (Rom 12:2), and to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phi 2:5).

Key verses for this study:

  • “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” 1Co 2:2 and
  • “Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you are truly unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” 1Co 5:7


1st Corinthians – California 2013

Gene Cunningham - September 24, 2010

The Spirit as Dove- teacher and encourager.

1co 1:20-25

Jesus in Luke 3-4. In Christ we are accepted in the Beloved. He looks at you with the same pleasure as He does in His Son.

5 stages of the ministry of the Spirit that He wants to do in our lives as well.

He comes upon us the moment we believe in Christ, He wants to fill our lives so He can lead us in the way He wants us to go, and give us His power to equip us to accomplish His purpose for us, to reach out to someone and minister to them.

Wherever you are, keep growing in your faith, keep trusting in God’s Word and resting in His Spirit, and you will be a blessing in someone else’s life. Don’t ever give up or quit.


Spirit as Wind, Spirit as Water, Spirit as Fire, Spirit as Oil, Spirit as a Dove

The dove is a symbol of purity and innocence, but also equipping to ministry. Mat 9:35-38 He was gripped and overcome with compassion for them.

He wants to equip every one of us to be a minister of the grace of God. 


Joh 15:26

Are you going to allow the Spirit of God to act as a dove in your life so you can have gentle, compassionate, caring ministry in the life of someone else? 1pe 3:15 Joh 16:7-15 1pe 2:24


2co 5:14-21 Ministry must be done in the Spirit. You deal with the souls of people with the compassion of Jesus Christ. Joh 3:16

No marriage can last without forgiveness. Eph 5:21-33

Scripture References: Ephesians 5:21-33, John 3:16, John 16:7-15, John 15:26, Matthew 9:35-38, Luke 1:20-4

From Series: "Ride with the Wind - A Study of the Holy Spirit - Texas 2010"

The class titles for the Texas 2010 conference are as follows. 1. Oct 1 Prototype of the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ Himself. Luke 3 4 2. Oct 1 The Spirit as Wind- regeneration. John 3 3. Oct 2 The Spirit as Wind- regeneration contd. John 3 4. Oct 2 The Spirit as Water- cleansing and refreshing. John 13 5. Oct 2 The Spirit as Fire- Illumination. John 14:15-21 Eph 1:15-18 6. Oct 2 The Spirit as Oil- fruit bearing. John 15 7. Oct 3 The Spirit as Dove- teacher and encourager. John 15:26-27 Mat 10 John 16:7-14; 2Co 5

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