The Word Became Flesh Bible Conference was held in Buchanan Dam, Texas November 28–30, 2014.


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God … And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” Joh 1:1, Joh 1:14

Gene says, “It is my earnest prayer that this study will bring each of us to “behold His glory,” and be enraptured by the “beauty of holiness” seen only in Him. He presents such a captivating image that even the smallest seed of faith will be blessed by the process of inner transformation into His likeness. The book of Hebrews captures the thing we lack so much in our hustle-and-bustle lives.”

“But we see Jesus [Heb 2:9] … Therefore, holy brethren … consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession,
Jesus Christ [Heb 3:1] … looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher [perfector, NASB] of our faith …” Heb 12:2
He continues, “May God grant that each of us be delivered from the distractions of our time, to look upon His face, to behold His glory, and to be changed into His image!”


Gene Cunningham - May 23, 2000

Living Sacrifice 03

Passover (Exo 12:5) using an unblemished male lamb a year old is a picture of our Lord (Joh 1:29). Blood on the door (Exo 12:7) had to be applied to provide deliverence. In the roasting and eating of the flesh(Exo 12:8), it's a picture of believing in Christ (Joh 6:53-58). Unleavened bread symobolically is the sinless saviour. We need to remember (2Pe 1:9). Passover now looks back as a memorial; deliverence by blood and power. Lord's Table supercedes the passover and it will be at the initiation of the kingdom of the Father (Luk 22:16).

"I urge you" (Rom 12:1) presents redeeming time having a sense of urgency (Ecc 3:1-8) not haste. Man is primarily arrogant; affliction drives us to humility. David being pursued in dessert is good example. Time is a rare commodity. Haste violates time and pays the highest price. What God does is at His own pace. Spiritual maturity takes time and dedication. Serenity and tranquility belongs to those with wisdom who understand God's pace for them.  God cannot be rushed; Jesus illustrates this. Job 5:23-27 illustrates the pace of wisdom: "you will be in league with the stones of the field". Hebrew idiom for being in sync with the Creator and creation. Stones can be a great blessing or great obstacle at different times. Pharisees stumbled over the Cornerstone. Christ is "the Rock of our Salvation" but also "a Rock of offense" or "Cornerstone" or "stumbling stone". In nature there can be no hurray. Farmers have to wait. It takes patience. In our plans we work toward a goal and expect results in time, but must be subject to faith; God has alloted that time period specifically for a purpose (Ecc 3:2) -- realizing that means redeeming the time. God's harvest (taking a loved one home) should a time of rejoicing (Job 5:26). Anxiety is the "partner" of haste. Our expectations must align with God's. "The time is short" (1Co 7:29); we should not be distracted in devotion to the Lord (Mat 6:33-34). God has given to us sufficient Grace to handle today (2Co 12:9). We need to know how to manage time (Jam 4:13, Rom 9:4-5). Jews wasted 2000 years with the convenants and law and priesthood and ended in destruction (Luk 21:32). Realize God has a Will for time, place, duration, and motive - prove God's Will by being in sync (Jam 4:13-15, 2Pe 1:9). We cannot ignore the brevity of life, and God's purpose for us. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart" (Psa 37:4)We must delight ourselves in Him -- submerge our plans, goals, and objectives in Him. 

Scripture References: Psalms 37:4, Exodus 12:8, Ecclesiastes 3:2, James 4:13-15, Exodus 12:7, Job 5:23-27, Luke 21:32, John 1:29, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Romans 9:4-5, Exodus 12:5, Romans 12:1, James 4:13, Luke 22:16, Matthew 6:33-34, John 6:53-58, Job 5:26

From Series: "Living Sacrifice (1995)"

Romans 12 and specifically Rom 12:1-2 is a pivot point between the doctrinal section and application of the book. This series methodically uses this passage to outline aspects or doctrines of the christian life -- God's provision and our prospect. Our lives can be acceptable to God if we progress on the path He intends. Living Sacrifice presents 12 doctrines: (1) redeeming time; (2) standing (positional truth); (3) self-presentation - availability; (4) approval; (5) service; (6) provision; (7) spiritual warfare; (8) conformity; (9) spiritual advance; (10) renewal; (11) divine guidance; (12) abundant life.

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