This Spring 2013 conferene held in Arkansas is the first of a trilogy dealing with the role and purpose of the Church, the Rapture—our blessed hope, and staking the enigma out of Paul’s “mystery.”
“For the Lord has created a new thing in the earth—a woman shall encompass a mighty hero.” Jer 31:32
“Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5


The Purpose of the Church – Arkansas Conference 2013

Gene Cunningham - February 9, 2012

Micah #7

Micah #7

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

From Series: "Seven Sign-Posts of the End Times - Canberra Australia 2012"

Micah gives the time of writing as ?in the days of Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah? (Mic 1:1). This places his ministry from about 740 to 710 B.C. This book of his prophecies was likely compiled around 700 B.C. He was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. His name is a shortened form of ?Micaiah? (cf. 1Ki 22:8?28 another prophet) meaning ?Who is like Jehovah.?

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