This Spring 2013 conferene held in Arkansas is the first of a trilogy dealing with the role and purpose of the Church, the Rapture—our blessed hope, and staking the enigma out of Paul’s “mystery.”
“For the Lord has created a new thing in the earth—a woman shall encompass a mighty hero.” Jer 31:32
“Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5


The Purpose of the Church – Arkansas Conference 2013

Gene Cunningham - March 1, 2010

Heirs of the Kingdom #1

Check out the study notes  What we do in time echoes in eternity. We must link the divine promises to our conduct; How we live demonstrates what we believe. The Law of Recompense — God will render to us according to our works (Psa 62:12, Mat 16:27, Rom 2:6). There is a day of accounting; what you plant you get (Gal 6:7, Rev 22:12). Bruce Wilkinson in "A Life God Rewards", page 15, there are two keys to spiritual life: belief (where will you spend eternity?) and behavior (how will you spend eternity?). Heirs of the Kingdom have privilege, responsibility, and accountability (Jam 2:5). Privilege: Paul emphasizes inheritance as his mission (Act 26:18). Responsibility: bearing fruit (Mat 13:23). The Word is able to give us an inheritance (Act 20:32). Accountability: there's an accounting coming (2Co 5:10). "" is a precursor to this study. Relating to the 2nd Advent and the Millenial Kingdom, Jesus gives a parable concerning authority and work; we've been assigned a task no one else can do (Mar 13:33). If we are Christ's we are heirs, but what is our portion (Gal 3:26)? If we are a son we are an heir (Gal 4:6-7). Our "living hope" is a base inheritance kept for us and cannot be diminished (1Pe 1:3). If we are in the practice of being led by the Spirit of God we are weos Greek for "adult Sons" and if we suffer for Him we are "Joint Heirs with Jesus Christ" (Rom 8:13-18). We have to distinguish between the inheritance of a child of God, and the inheritance of an adult son. Even those who have strayed for years can recoup a lot. 

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

Scripture References: Acts 26:18, Romans 8:13-18, James 2:5, Galatians 4:6-7, Revelation 22:12, Galatians 3:26, Galatians 6:7, Mark 13:33, Romans 2:6, Acts 20:32, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 13:23, Psalms 62:12

From Series: "Heirs of the Kingdom - Northern VA 2010"

Heirs of the Kingdom' have privilege responsibility and accountability (Mar 13:33?37). 'Heirs' is a term that deals with discipleship not justification or salvation. As we shall see every child of God is an heir. The questions before us are: How much will I inherit and will it really matter that much? Every member of the Royal Family has a share in the Royal Inheritance. Again the question of our study is ?how much?? Peter stresses in three words that our inheritance cannot?in any way?be defiled or diminished by our failure or conduct in this life. Paul speaks as sons ?being led? by the Spirit as ?adult sons? (huioi) and shows a distinction between heirs and ?joint heirs with Christ.? One is unconditional based on sonship; the other is conditional based on conduct.

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