The Iowa Conference hosted the first planning session of The Daniel Project, designed to organize a group of spiritually motivated young people to reach their generation with the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
The key verses are:
” … but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits [take action]. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many … And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them wait, until the time of the end …” Dan 11:32b–33, Dan 11:35
In the above passage, we see five great undertakings of faithful believers in the end times. To be accurate, this passage is speaking specifically of Jewish believers during the Tribulation Period. However, we have every reason to adapt it to these closing moments of the Church Age.

Gene Cunningham - April 19, 2023

When Jesus Claimed to be God

People say Jesus never claimed to be God. "Son of Man is a term for the second member of the Godhead from Daniel Chapter 7. What Jesus was trying to do every time He would use the title "The Son of Man," was to get someone to open their Bible and look back to Daniel Chapter 7 and find out who He is. But of course, none of the Pharisees were smart enough to do that. Daniel 7:13-14 says, "So one, like a son of man was coming and he came up to the ancient of Days and was presented before Him." We saw this in Revelation chapter six as He, Jesus Christ, took up the six seals and began to open the seals. "... to him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom that all the people, nations and men of every language might serve Him and His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away. His kingdom is one that will not be destroyed." "Son of Man" verses where Jesus claims to be God: Matthew 8:20 Matthew 9:6 Matthew 10:23 Matthew 11:19 Matthew 12:8 Matthew 12:32 Matthew 12:40 Matthew 13:37 Matthew 13:41 Matthew 16:13 Matthew 16:27 Matthew 16:28 Matthew 17:9 Matthew 17:12 Matthew 17:22 Matthew 18:11 Matthew 19:28 Matthew 20:18 Matthew 20:28 Matthew 24:27 Matthew 24:29 Matthew 24:30 Matthew 24:37 Matthew 24:39 Matthew 24:44 Matthew 25:13 Matthew 25:31 Matthew 26:2 Matthew 26:24 Matthew 26:45 Matthew 26:64 Mark 2:10 Mark 2:28 Mark 8:31 Mark 8:38 Mark 9:9 Mark 9:12 Mark 9:31 Mark 10:33 Mark 10:45 Mark 13:24 Mark 13:26 Mark 14:21 Mark 14:41 Mark 14:62 Luke 5:24 Luke 6:5 Luke 6:22 Luke 7:34 Luke 9:22 Luke 9:26 Luke 9:44 Luke 9:56 Luke 9:58 Luke 11:30 Luke 12:8 Luke 12:10 Luke 12:40 Luke 17:22 Luke 17:24 Luke 17:26 Luke 17:30 Luke 18:8 Luke 18:31 Luke 19:10 Luke 21:25 Luke 21:27 Luke 21:36 Luke 22:22 Luke 22:48 Luke 22:69 Luke 24:7 John 1:51 John 3:13 John 3:14 John 5:27 John 6:27 John 6:53 John 6:62 John 8:28 John 12:23 John 12:34 John 13:31

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