The Iowa Conference hosted the first planning session of The Daniel Project, designed to organize a group of spiritually motivated young people to reach their generation with the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
The key verses are:
” … but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits [take action]. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many … And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them wait, until the time of the end …” Dan 11:32b–33, Dan 11:35
In the above passage, we see five great undertakings of faithful believers in the end times. To be accurate, this passage is speaking specifically of Jewish believers during the Tribulation Period. However, we have every reason to adapt it to these closing moments of the Church Age.

Gene Cunningham - February 2, 2003

1st Peter #3

1st Peter #3

We need to review the blessings and benefits of God (Psa 103:1-5). The path of the "Cross to Crown": regeneration, then justification, then sanctification (salvation from the pitfalls of life — 1Pet 1:10-12), glorification (reflecting the glory of Jesus Christ — Rom 12:1-2). Angels stand in amazement at the Grace of God (1Pe 1:12). The prophets "inquired and searched carefully" which indicates Bible study method (1Pe 1:10) — general, then specific study. 6 rules of interpretation: 1) never violate the context; 2) keep it simple; 3) move from general, the big picture, to the specific; 4) always approach the word of God with prayer and dependence; 5) become familiar with the 10 basic principles of theology: the Bible, God, angels, man, sin, Christ, salvation, church, Holy Spirit, prophecy; 6) repetition (1Ti 4:13). We need to roll up our sleeves and be serious - "Gird up the loins of your mind and be sober" (1Pe 1:13). We are to rest our hope in the fact that we "are being given Grace" — everything we need right now - "by means of the revelation of Jesus Christ" (1Pe 1:13 fixed translation similar to concept in 1Co 3:18 - "from glory to glory"). "Be Holy because I am Holy (1Pe 1:14-15, Lev 11:4). Holiness is the nature of Jesus Christ and has a lot to do with mercy and compassion (Mat 5:48, Luk 6:36). Holiness is wholeness — God deals with us as whole people.

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

Scripture References: Matthew 5:48, Leviticus 11:4, Romans 12:1-2, Psalms 103:1-5, Luke 6:36

From Series: "1st Peter - Fellowship of Fire - Denver Colorado - 2009"

These lessons were taught at the first annual Rocky Mountain Bible Conference in Spring 2009. First and Second Peter are grouped in what are called the General Epistles written to the church at large. The theme of First Peter is the refining and growth potential in our sufferings 1Pe 1:3 1Pe 1:6; 1Pe 2:2. This epistle was written to believers scattered by persecution throughout Asia Minor (1 Pe 1:1). The date was circa 64-65A.D. the beginning of Nero?s persecutions. First Peter is the best known and loved of these epistles called by E.J. Goodspeed ?One of the most moving pieces of persecution literature.? This epistle is written to suffering believers and is styled by Isaac Walton as ?affectionate loving lowly and humble?. This epistle conveys an intense expectation of the Lord?s return as seen in 1Pe 1:51Pe 1:71Pe 1:13; 1Pe 2:12; 1Pe 4:1317; 1Pe 5:14.

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