The Iowa Conference hosted the first planning session of The Daniel Project, designed to organize a group of spiritually motivated young people to reach their generation with the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
The key verses are:
” … but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits [take action]. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many … And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them wait, until the time of the end …” Dan 11:32b–33, Dan 11:35
In the above passage, we see five great undertakings of faithful believers in the end times. To be accurate, this passage is speaking specifically of Jewish believers during the Tribulation Period. However, we have every reason to adapt it to these closing moments of the Church Age.

Gene Cunningham - October 26, 2019

PA 2019 Session 6

An Appeal for Faithfulness in and Age of Apostasy

Author is addressing believers Hebrews 6:4-6 "It is impossible to renew them to repentance...;" (check out Hebrews 6:9-12). The author is comparing them to the generation that rejected the promised land in Numbers 14:1-45, and lost the blessing (see Num 14:37). These First Century Jewish believers had ample evidence of what was coming upon Jerusalem—the destruction of 70 A.D., being instructed in the following seven prophetic warnings (see page 12 of Conference Notes): 1. Daniel’s 70 weeks: Messiah “cut off,” Jerusalem destroyed (Dan. 9:26) 2. The warning of John, Israel’s last prophet (Matt. 3:7, 11–12; Luke 3:7) 3. Jesus’ warning: “by your words …” (Matt. 12:37) 13 4. The Pharisees’ response to the parable of the vineyard (Matt. 21:40–41) 5. The seven woes, ending in the prophecy of Jerusalem’s destruction (Matt. 23:36–39) 6. The self-incrimination of the nation before Pilate (Matt. 27:25) 7. The cry of Jesus on the cross and the rent veil (Matt. 27:50–51; John 19:30) The Seven Terminal Generations (see page 13 of Conference Notes) 1. Noah’s generation: Genesis 6:3. 2. The Exodus generation: Genesis 15:12–18. 3. The Exile generation: Daniel 9:1–2; Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10 4. The Messiah generation: Daniel 9:25–26. 5. The 70 A.D. generation: Matt. 23:36; 24. 6. The Rapture generation: Matt. 24:32–35. 7. The Second Advent generation: Matt. 24:36; Matt. 24:22

Scripture References: Hebrews 10:5-17, Numbers 14:37, Numbers 14:1-45, Hebrews 6:9-12, Hebrews 6:4-6

From Series: "An Appeal for Faithfulness in and Age of Apostasy"

On October 25th – 27th, 2019 Basic Training Bible Ministries and Abundant Life Church in Uniontown, PA presented “An Appeal for Faithfulness in an Age of Apostasy – The Five Warning Passages from The Book of Hebrews”. The theme comes from Hebrews 2:1 “Therefore, we must give more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.”

Conference Notes

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