Three stages of discipleship (1Jo 2:12-14). "I am the Way, Truth, and Life" (Joh 14:6). Nurture stage -- spiritual infancy (1Jo 2:12) is marked by keen awareness of forgiven sins; we have a sense of their Father (Rom 8:15). Spiritual Infant focus is spiritual self awareness; what they have; God as "the giver of good gifts"; must grow up (1Co 13:11); believers focused on themselves (1Co 3:1). Spiritual infants need: (1) to know their eternal security (Joh 10:28-29, 1Pe 1:5); (2) children need cleansing (1Jo 1:9, Gal 6:1); (3) children need nourishment (1Co 3:2, 1Pe 2:2, ); (4) a child needs training/exercise (Heb 5:11-14, 1Th 2:7-11). Young men (1Jo 2:14) have tasted victory at times; the Word abides in them. Key is spiritual exercise and productivity (Heb 5:13-14, Joh 15:7-8). Fathers refers to mature believers -- they know the Father intimately (Phi 3:10-13, 2Ti 4:8).
To get from 'the cross to the crown' we need to make decisions to live a life of spiritual dynamics using God's provisions -- His Word and Spirit. This series given in early 2006 before Gene moved back to the States outlines ten aspects of our discipleship.