Paul is continually thankful for the Thessalonian believers: their faith; love and hope (1Th 1:3); review: the Mileposts of Salvation: God measures lives; not by great achievement; but by great devotion; The three phases of Salvation (1Th 1:9-10); 1Jo 2:15; repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin; once we are saved; our life is to be one of service to others; Gal 5:13; first promise of a Pre-tribulation Rapture (1Th 1:10); believers are delivered from the wrath to come; looking for the blessed hope and return of Jesus Christ (Tit 2:11-13)
The Thessalonians were persecuted for their faith. Paul's first letter to them provides comfort, reminding them of the details of Christ's return for His Church ("The Blessed Hope") and providing practical spiritual lessons for living.