These lessons were presented May 23–24, 2014 at the Rocky Mountain Bible Conference in Denver, Colorado. At this conference, Gene teaches on passages from the book of Hebrews including the following subjects:
►  Hope as an “anchor of the soul”
►  Eternal security
►  “Pressing on to maturity”
►  Baptism
►  Christ as the perfect sacrifice
►  Process of “falling away” (to include the sin unto death)
►  Priesthood, ambassadorship, and ministry of the individual believer
The key verse for the conference is Heb 6:18–20:
“That by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation,
we who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: which hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
both sure and steadfast, and which enters within the veil; where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, even Jesus,
having become a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.”

Anchor of the Soul — Colorado 2014

Gene Cunningham - July 23, 2000

In, but not of #2

In but not of

The true Lord’s prayer can be found in Joh 17:12-26. Theme: discipleship in the Church age -- entering into the Love of Christ. Primary objective of His prayer: that we would have the same relationship as Jesus has with the Father. In the prayer, Jesus says He kept the disciples in His name – what glorifies God (Joh 17:12-19). Christ's kingdom is not of this world (Joh 18:36). We have been transferred into His kingdom (Col 1:13). We are to seek things related to His kingdom (Mat 6:33). Four benefits: (1)we are given the Word of God (Joh 17:14); we must approach the word with honesty and accuracy so it's relevance and practicality become personal; He has magnified His word above His name (Psa 138:2); God's word is the foundation of faith (Rom 10:17); the only thing that can deliver us from spiritual perils is God's word (Jam 1:21). (2) Ongoing work of sanctification -- word of God is able to continue His work in us (Joh 17:17, Joh 8:31-32). (3) The results are joy and peace -- (Joh 17:13).; we can have His peace secured if we have His priorities. (4) Life filled with meaning and purpose. Jesus confers a mission to us (Luk 10:19, Joh 17:18-19). We have faith (His word), hope (the victory is sure), and love (responsibilities for those around us). We need to look at life in light of eternity. We need to set aside our desires so as to make ourselves a better servant to others. The world is: (1) the illicit domain of devil (2Co 4:4); (2) the world is the root of human misery (1Jo 2:15-17); (3) the world is the dupe of the devil (1Jo 5:19); (4) the only one who can break the chains of the world is Jesus Christ(Joh 16:33); (5) Our faith in Christ gives us a share in His victory (1Jo 5:5). The promise to us is that He will reveal Himself to us; we'll see His power in our life (Joh 14:21)

Scripture References: Luke 10:19, John 14:21, John 17:14, John 17:13, John 5:5, Matthew 6:33, John 8:31-32, John 16:33, Colossians 1:13, John 17:17, John 5:19, John 18:36, James 1:21, John 2:15-17, John 17:12-19, Romans 10:17, John 17:18-19, John 17:12-26, Psalms 138:2

From Series: "In but not of"

This series is a follow-up on the theme of the Arizona camp -- 'In. but not of...'.

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