This conference was held in the spring 2013 in Colorado. It complements the two previous Bible conferences held in Arkansas and Northern Virginia.
In addition to being styled "an apostle to the Gentiles" (Rom 11:13), Paul could also be called the apostle of the Mystery. This "mystery" contained new revelation intended for a new people—the Church—living in a new age or dispensation of God’s plan.
"now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began, but now made manifest, and by the prophetic scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith …" Rom 16:25–26

Taking the Enigma Out of Paul’s Mystery – Colorado 2013

Gene Cunningham - October 16, 2009

The Transforming Power of Grace 5

The Transforming Power of Grace 5

Spiritual Leadership outline: (1) Grounded in the gospel Tit 1:1-4, (2) Manifest in character Tit 1:5-9, (3) Manifest in ministry Tit 1:10-16. Faith-Hope-Love occurs again and again (1Th 1:3, 1Co 13:13, Col 1:4-5, Heb 6:10-19). Paul summarizes his conduct with the Thessalonians as a living example (1Th 1:2-6). They became examples (1Th 1:7-8). What makes a good leader? Learn how to follow. Who are you imitating? Elisha exemplifies leadership; as a rich heir; he is working with the servants on the 12th yolk of oxen — the worst job (1Ki 19:19-21). The prophet's mantel was sack-cloth; he ran after Elijah in eagerness and confidence. Elisha burned his yokes and threw a party. A man of god has to be humble enough to be lower than the lowest around you. Timothy was not to be a phony (1Ti 4:6-16). The man of God is: (1) Spiritually exercised; (2) example to others to follow; (3) devoted to the truth and living-out of it in life; (4) the gift he's been given becomes the mission of his life so as to be a blessing to others; (5) he judges himself day by day according to the word of God. The man of God is also: (1) a fugitive — "flee"; (2) a follower — "pursue"  (3) fighter — "fight the good fight" (1Ti 6:11-12).

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

Scripture References: Colossians 1:4-5, Titus 1:10-16, Titus 1:5-9, Titus 1:1-4, Hebrews 6:10-19

From Series: "Titus - The Transforming Power of Grace - Uniontown PA 2009"

This series was given in October 2009 in Uniontown PA.

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