This conference was held in the spring 2013 in Colorado. It complements the two previous Bible conferences held in Arkansas and Northern Virginia.
In addition to being styled "an apostle to the Gentiles" (Rom 11:13), Paul could also be called the apostle of the Mystery. This "mystery" contained new revelation intended for a new people—the Church—living in a new age or dispensation of God’s plan.
"now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began, but now made manifest, and by the prophetic scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith …" Rom 16:25–26

Taking the Enigma Out of Paul’s Mystery – Colorado 2013

Gene Cunningham - February 3, 2003

Titus #2

Titus #2

Titus was in Crete when Paul wrote to him; he was to establish authority (Tit 1:5, Tit 1:12). Paul as an apostle of Jesus Christ (Tit: 1:1, 1Co 15:10). Five point Calvinism is false - Total Depravity (Rom 5:12, Rom 6:23); Unconditional Election is false- arbitrary Divine selection of believers is false; Limited Atonement is false and denies 1Jn 2:2; Irresistible Grace is false; Perseverance of the Saints is false- doesn't account for Saul, or David and denies 1Jo 5:16. Calvin taught against the last four points later in his life (as he studied verse by verse and categorically). Assurance comes through study -- a solid foundation in the Word (1Jo 5:13). All members of human race are potentially elect (2Ti 2:10, 1Ti 2:5-7, 1Jn 2:2, 2Pe 3:9); Christ was elect first (Isa 28:16, Isa 42:1, 1Pe 2:4-6); every believer shares Christ's election and predestination because of our union with Him (Eph 1:4-6, 1Co 1:2, 1Co 1:30, Rom 8:28-32); Election is a present and eternal possession (Joh 15:16, Col 3:12). Election occurs at the moment of salvation (1Th 1:3-5, 1Th 1:9-10, 2Th 2:12-13, 2Ti 1:9). Election is the foundation of the church. Orientation to election comes from Bible study that teaches the Authority of God (Tit 1:1-2). God lets Abraham in on His plan before destroying Sodom (Gen 18:16-17). Rengeration is the determining factor. Is Paul's desire for his people is greater than God's? (Rom 9:1-3); God's love is unconditional (2Ti 2:10); the nation of Israel existed because God chose Abraham; they rejected the benefits of God's national election (Rom 9:4-5); each example had two sons; "Essau I have hated, Jacob I have loved" (Rom 9:6-13) but each made a choice to accept or reject God's offer.

Scripture References: Titus 1:1-2, Titus 1:5, John 2:2, Colossians 3:12, John 5:13, John 15:16, Romans 9:6-13, John 2:2, Romans 8:28-32, Romans 9:4-5, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 1:4-6, Romans 9:1-3, Romans 5:12, Isaiah 42:1, Genesis 18:16-17, Titus 1:12, Isaiah 28:16

From Series: "Titus - 2007"

The Apostle Paul wrote to Titus a student of his who became a pastor regarding faith knowledge and hope.

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