This conference was held in the spring 2013 in Colorado. It complements the two previous Bible conferences held in Arkansas and Northern Virginia.
In addition to being styled "an apostle to the Gentiles" (Rom 11:13), Paul could also be called the apostle of the Mystery. This "mystery" contained new revelation intended for a new people—the Church—living in a new age or dispensation of God’s plan.
"now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began, but now made manifest, and by the prophetic scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith …" Rom 16:25–26

Taking the Enigma Out of Paul’s Mystery – Colorado 2013

Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2003

Ephesians #7

Ephesians #7

Work of the Spirit in Eph 1:13-14 -- sealing and guarantee of inheritence. Rom 8:31shows we have eternal security. Eph 1:13 and Rom 10:13-17 faith comes by hearing. Spirit is inseparable from the Word (Joh 14:17, Joh 15:26; Joh 16:13). Only the Spirit gives life and can't be separated from the Son of God (Joh 6:63, Joh 14:6). Object of our faith is Jesus Christ; the Spirit sheds light. Works of the Spirit: revelation (2Ti 3:16), inspiration (1Pe 1:10-12, 2Pe 1:21), illumination (Eph 1:13) and convicting of the unsaved (Joh 16:7-11). Faith is a partnership; we're saved by grace through faith so that we'll live by grace through faith. Sealing means our eternal destiny is secure. Works of Spirit in salvation: baptism (1Co 12:13), regeneration (Tit 3:5), indwelling (Rom 8:9-11), gifting (1Co 12:4-7), sealing (Eph 1:13-14). Sealing means identification, security, and delivered to arrive safely (illustration Rom 15:28). This was promised in the old testament (Heb 6:13-18). Eph 1:14 says Holy Spirit is a down-payment and guarantee on our inheritance (2Co 1:22, 2Co 5:5, 1Pe 1:4-5). Redemption is finished(from blessing point of view) at the resurrection (Eph 1:14). We are God's "purchased possession" -- a personal treasure to be redeemed at the resurrection "to the praise of His glory".

Scripture References: Ephesians 1:13, Hebrews 6:13-18, Ephesians 1:13, John 14:6, Romans 15:28, Romans 8:31, John 6:63, Ephesians 1:13-14, Ephesians 1:13-14, John 16:13, Romans 8:9-11, John 15:26, Titus 3:5, Ephesians 1:14, John 14:17, John 16:7-11, Ephesians 1:14, Romans 10:13-17

From Series: "Ephesians"

More than any book Ephesians reveals the blessings from God based on our relationship with Jesus Christ by grace through faith. Eph 1:3 is the a key verse. Other key verses by chapter include Eph 2:8 Eph 3:19 Eph 4:1 Eph 5:18 and Eph 6:10-11.

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