Fellow Bible Students,

Please join us for a Weekend Bible Conference in early 2023. You can register for them at the links below if you plan on attending:

Hot Springs, Arkansas — March 3–5, 2023
Some details may change, but registration is open: >>>REGISTER HERE<<<
Prepare for Persecution: Five Stages of Growth and Suffering
Theme verse- 1Peter 4:12-13

Sherman, Texas — March 31– April 2, 2023
The Christian Warrior: His calling, combat and coronation.  
Theme verse 2Peter 1:10-11

Erie, PA (East Coast) — April 14–16, 2023
“After These Things …”: A Study of The Church After the Rapture
Note: The 2023 Shenandoah Valley, Virginia and Erie, PA conferences will be combined this year and held at Fairview Bible Church, Erie PA

Gene Cunningham - December 21, 1998

Upper Room Discourse #6

Upper Room Discourse #6

Moses was a "friend of God" but could not see His face, but we do as a new creature looking in the reflective mirror of The Word (2Co 3:18). Joh 14:21 "Manifest" examples: (a) Jesus will manifest Himself to the eyes of our soul (Eph 1:17-18). (b) Miracles John writes of are analogies (examples) to what spiritual abiding in Christ does to us. Jesus turned common water into the finest wine (Joh 2:11) which is analogous to manifesting power of transformation of our lives and a life of fellowship. The man healed of blindness - "That the works of God might be manifested in him" (Joh 9:3). (c) The Life of Christ was manifested to all (1Jn 1:2) - His life can be manifested in us. (d) Jesus was "manifested to take away our sins, and ... whoever abides in Him does not sin" (1Jo 3:5-6, Gal 5:16). Love is manifested toward us ... that we might live through Him (1Jo 4:9) -- abundant life. "... so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our body" (2Co 4:11). (e) Joh 15:1-2 mistranslated "take away"; should be "lifted up" so the vine doesn't send down roots (but puts energy into fruit instead). John 15 manifestations: (1) Union with Christ (Joh 15:4-5); (2) abiding presence of Christ (Joh 15:4, 2Co 13:5); (3) evidence life of fellowship pruning/washing discipline (Joh 15:2, Joh 15:6); (4) productivity - "fruit" (Joh 15:4-5); (5) effective prayer (Joh 15:7, Psa 37:4); (6) God will be glorified (Joh 15:8); (7) inner joy (Joh 15:11); (8) We'll have a reciprocal friendship (Joh 15:14-15) - Jesus has called us friends, but He waits for humility, submission, and obedience (i.e., if we do what He commands). The abiding believer - one who obeys His commands - will "abide forever" (1Jo 2:15-17). The character we become here and now is the person we will be forever. In Heb 12:22-24 we are shown our welcome into heaven.

Scripture References: John 3:5-6, John 15:4, John 15:8, John 1:2, John 15:4-5, Psalms 37:4, John 9:3, John 15:1, John 15:7, John 2:11, Hebrews 12:22-24, John 15:1-2, John 15:4-5, Ephesians 1:17-18, John 2:15-17, John 4:9, John 15:6, John 14:21, John 15:14-15, Galatians 5:16, John 15:2, John 15:11

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