Fellow Bible Students,

Please join us for a Weekend Bible Conference in early 2023. You can register for them at the links below if you plan on attending:

Hot Springs, Arkansas — March 3–5, 2023
Some details may change, but registration is open: >>>REGISTER HERE<<<
Prepare for Persecution: Five Stages of Growth and Suffering
Theme verse- 1Peter 4:12-13

Sherman, Texas — March 31– April 2, 2023
The Christian Warrior: His calling, combat and coronation.  
Theme verse 2Peter 1:10-11

Erie, PA (East Coast) — April 14–16, 2023
“After These Things …”: A Study of The Church After the Rapture
Note: The 2023 Shenandoah Valley, Virginia and Erie, PA conferences will be combined this year and held at Fairview Bible Church, Erie PA

Gene Cunningham - May 23, 2000

Living Sacrifice 17

Isa 53:1-12 Jesus was constantly rejected. His call was going to the cross. In the three hours of judgment Jesus felt the judgment of all our sins. "the mercies of God" (Rom 12:1). Right relationship with self (Gal 5:1) the law of liberty -- not a slave to sin. Everything God provides is free and clear. Law of love (1Co 8:1) all things are lawful, but not always proper -- considering other people. Law of profitability (1Co 10:23) - we have to profit others. Don't be a factor in other people's downfall. How is our lives going to effect unbelivers around us? Law of supreme sacrifice is like the New Testament version of the (Num 6:1-21, 1Co 9:1-27, Phi 1:21, 1Co 11:14, 1Co 15:10). "...for me to live in Christ..". We receive justification in that we've been declared righteous (Rom 3:21-26). We've been redeemed -- have a right relation to sin. We are acceptable to God (propitiated - Rom 3:25). Expiation is the removal of the debt -- death (Col 2:14). We've been reconciled to God -- a right relation to God (Rom 5:10-11).

Scripture References: Romans 3:21-26, Philippians 1:21, Numbers 6:1-21, Galatians 5:1, Romans 5:10-11, Romans 12:1, Colossians 2:14, Isaiah 53:1-12, Romans 3:25

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