Romans Chapter 8 states that because of the finished work of Christ, the believer is free from all condemnation (Rom 8:1–11). It then says that by means of the continuing work of the Spirit, the believer is free from the dominion of sin (Rom 8:12–27). It concludes that on the basis of God’s sovereign and eternal plan, the believer is free as a result of the defeat of sin (Rom 8:28–39). This book was originally a set of notes given out at the October 2009 Kansas Conference.

Gene Cunningham - April 9, 2017

The Gospel According to Moses- Session 7

The Gospel According to Moses - VA 2017

Conference notes for this series can be found [HERE

From Series: "The Gospel According to Moses - VA 2017"

This year the Northern Virginia Conference officially changed its name to the Shenandoah Valley Conference and was held from 21-23 April in Winchester VA. The theme will be "The Gospel According to Moses" the next installment in Gene Cunningham's series of studies in the prophetic anticipation of the coming of Messiah and the provision of salvation for mankind?the Everlasting Gospel. The key verse was Deuteronomy 18:15 "The LORD your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst from your brethren. Him you shall hear." Previously Gene surveyed this expectation from Abraham to Isaiah. This study is a fitting addition to these previous efforts in that the work of Moses as both deliverer and law-giver is the most comprehensive prophetic and pictorial foretelling of the Person and work of Jesus Christ.

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