Peru Mission Report
July 2009
Three Day Conference
We returned to Peru for a short time this year in a time of crowded schedules. However, we thought it necessary to visit Julio and Betty, our representatives in Peru and South America. We had a joyful reunion with those we had met before, and met many new fellow-soldiers on the front lines of ministry. I taught classes to the entire assembly in the mornings, and in the afternoons met with the men, while Nan taught the ladies. We were fortunate to have both my sister, Cindy Garcia, and Joan Wainer along for the translation work, so we could “tag-team” in the afternoon sessions. We are thankful for their excellent translation skills.
As usual, Julio did a wonderful job of organizing the conference. We had a great facility, which we used before, and three meals were provided for the conferees. Many of the people commented that they could not believe that they could attend a Bible conference—free of charge, and be well fed, and also receive free Basics books. Of course, many of these people travel from far away and can barely afford to cover the travel by bus. We had about 130 people in attendance from 15 different denominations, including some from the eastern jungle areas, and others from remote mountain regions.
My topic was the book of Galatians, “The Truth of the Gospel.” We were able, in the twelve sessions, to hit the highlights of the epistle, and to nail down the Gospel of grace. I will be teaching an expanded version on Galatians at the end of August in Orange County, California. This is such an important issue in the world we live in today. The Gospel of grace is being perverted on every hand. One thing I sought to drive home to the pastors present was this: If Paul declares every perversion of the Gospel to be under divine curse (Gal 1:8-9), and argues for the “truth of the gospel” (Gal 2:5, Gal 2:14), then it stands to reason that nothing essential to the true Gospel would be missing in the epistle. Further, anything not found in this epistle cannot be an element of the Gospel message.
Everywhere we go in the world people are crying out for children’s materials to help them teach the Word to young souls. In response to this need several years ago, Nan and the Sunday School teachers at Cross Road Bible Church in Perth, wrote a one- year children’s Bible curriculum for use in village churches. It contains 50 lessons that take the students from the book of Genesis through the life of Paul. Each lesson has a beautiful color picture to go with it. We have recently had this curriculum translated into Spanish and Nan was able to print and laminate 10 copies to take down to teachers in Peru. We gave one copy to a public school teacher and he just looked with awe at the gift. He told us that in Peru they lack the creativity and insight to compile such lessons and he considered the curriculum to be a great labor of love that will benefit the children of Peru. If we see that the response and need is great, then we hope to print hundreds of copies in Peru and send them far and wide!
We ask you to pray for the work in Peru, as we continue to expand the outreach through the partnership we enjoy with Julio and Betty. By the way, check out the short video clip of Julio explaining how he got his first Basics book (from a batch we had distributed high in the Andes mountains in 1994), and how it helped him in his ministry.
Pray especially for the establishment of a Bible training center in Peru—this is Julio’s great desire—to see a place for the training of pastors and workers for the evangelization and edification of Peru and the wider field of South America. We count it a privilege to work with him, and look to our Lord for guidance and supply in expanding the work. We thank you all for your valuable and effective prayers and offerings that made this conference such a success.
In His love,
Gene Cunningham