A Time for Praise and Prayer!
We recently returned from travel to Papua New Guinea for ministry in Numba Village, followed by a Bible conference in Australia. We praise God for your prayers and support that continue to make this ministry possible.
Ese Bible Institute
“You became examples to all … for from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth …
in every place … your faith in Christ has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything.” 1Th 1:7–8
The books of Second Peter and Jude were covered in this course, and relevant doctrines relating to spiritual growth, discernment, and identifying false teaching were included. Please pray for these men and women, as many left intending to travel to their home villages or beyond to share what they had learned with others in their villages and churches. We will list their names for prayer at the end of this report.
While Gene was teaching the graduate class, Roger Thiele from Curlew, Washington was teaching New Testament Survey to the new intake of students. This new class will graduate in January 2018. They will be the sixth set of students to graduate from EBI.
Pastor Michael and Virginia
“In your name they rejoice all the day, and by your righteousness they are exalted.” Psa 89:16
Please pray for him, his wife Maureen, and their two young children. And, of course, pray for Michael and Virginia as they are greatly burdened over the condition of their son.
Children’s Ministry
“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord.” Psa 127:3
Once again, Nan was privileged to be able to do some classes with the ladies
in Numba and travel to various villages to teach the hungry children.
The Sunday schools in Numba and the surrounding villages are doing so well under the leadership of trained Sunday school teachers.
Praise God!
Blessings in the Village
“He will have compassion on the poor and needy, and the lives of the needy He will save.” Psa 72:13
It was four years ago that we were last in Numba village. We were so encouraged to see how God has blessed the believers in Numba over this time. They are growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior. Many are being moved by God to go out as missionaries beyond the borders of their village, and even their own language group, to bring the good news of the Gospel to those who do not know the precious truth of Jesus Christ
Beyond the spiritual blessing of the saints in Numba, we see that God is helping them in the difficulties of their life. Last year, Cross Road Bible Church in Perth brought a team of talented workers who were able to tap a spring on the mountain above Numba and enable the flow of clean water right into the village. This has been such a blessing to everyone in the village.
How fun it was to see the kids play under the taps during hot, humid afternoons! Perhaps the women have benefited the most as they are now able to wash dishes, clothes, and babies just outside their doorstep.
Everyone in the village now has easy access to clean drinking water. It seemed everyone was a little bit cleaner and better dressed than ever before!
Rose and Uvia
“Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up Your hand. Do not forget the afflicted.” Psa 10:12
While in Numba, we visited with an older couple, Rose and Uvia, who are really suffering. Rose’s whole body is extremely crippled with arthritis, and she weighs only about 50–60 pounds. All she is able to do is lay on a thin, dirty sheet in this hut— day-after-day and year-after-year. Her husband Uvia is old and going blind, yet tries to care for her. In addition, they have several grandchildren they are caring for. They are unable to tend a garden and, therefore, have very little food.
We walked up the hill to their hut several times to bring some help in the form of
money, food, blankets, fellowship, and prayer. On our first visit, we entered the
porch and asked Uvia how he was doing. he waid, "My story is coming to asn end."
Soon, Rose and Uvia will be clothed in righteousness, and their suffering will be removed far from them forever and ever.
To God be the glory! In the meantime, please pray for them!
The Great Commission in PNG
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations …
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” Mat 28:19–20
As we mentioned earlier, many of the graduate students are now involved in full-time ministry within and even beyond their own language group. Often, they travel at their own expense over difficult trails and rough conditions. Please pray for these workers who are instrumental in ministering the Gospel and the sound teaching of God’s Word to men, women, and children across the jungles of Papua New Guinea:
Pastor Lawrence, training and sending missionaries
Winston Garvi, training and sending missionaries
Taylor and Lydia Tioja, ministry to PNG military and Jesus Video Evangelism
Chris and Windora Isaac, children’s ministry outreach
Nemuel, child evangelism in hospitals
All of the graduate students of Gene’s class also ask for your prayers. We assured them that many across the world would be faithful to pray for them. Here is a list of their names:
Dunston and Rebecca Sihugo
Japhet King Namuka
Ilmar Namura
David and Freeda Gumbode
Isaiah and Evagilina Gorari
Gregory and Dora Kubuni
Josaiah and Beverly Ometa
Alfred and Jelma Kunava
Celia Mary Hobert
Wallace and Nitamary Watapo
Peter and Pricilla Kevo
Nick and Debra Avenoma
Abel Kirimu
Yangis and Betoria Ajiuri
Ivan and Chipi Avowari
Dick and Ruth Sangapa
Remingous and Gratel Wasiripa
Mark Philip Sohupa
Russell Murabas
Fabian Jaotos
Elaston Aguido
Dick Brian Ukana
Steven Rugogo
Zechariah Gaboe
Matthew and Salome Gaboe
Wright and Emma Daia
Paulus and Serah Unuka
Fred Keoro
Joshua and Joycelynn Marijah
Taylor and Shelly Abel Javuno
Rimus Rufus
Claud Gaboe
Clifford Avenoma
Cecil Naniura
Kingston and Mathilda Isorembo
Dunston Shugo
Peter and Mary Umejari
William Avenoma
Murry Usimire
Tobby Kunaua
Jonathon and Grace Magare
Hosea and Eustcia Embora
Neil and Regina Upia
Thomas Imaga
Owen and Paula Neanambu
Each of these students also wrote prayer requests, including personal spiritual growth, family health and needs, and continued opportunities for greater ministry. We thank you for praying for them. God knows their needs, and He hears and answers our prayers.
Following our time in Numba, we were blessed to be able to catch up with children and grandchildren in Australia. In addition, we had a Bible conference with Cross Road Bible Church in Perth. How refreshing it was to be face-to-face with so many of the precious believers that we lived and served with years ago! Gene and our son-in-law, Daniel Zanich, presented classes countering the teaching of “lordship salvation” and other misunderstandings in Scripture. The classes are on the BTBM website now. Continue to pray for the saints in Australia.
Serving with joy,
Gene and Nan
For more pictures of the PNG mission go to: