Sometimes loving others is the most difficult thing you’ll ever be called on to do. John 15, verse 13, “Greater love has no one than this to lay down one’s life for His friends.” Jesus is talking here about Himself. He went to the cross knowing what it was going to cost Him. He sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, not because He feared the nails, not because He feared the scourging, not because He feared the crown of thorns or the beatings that the Roman soldiers gave Him. Through all of those things, the Bible tells us He never uttered a cry. You know when He cried out? He cried out, when your sin and my sin pierced His soul and He began to pay the penalty, to feel the shame, to recognize the pain that all of our sins have caused other people all the way down through history. “Greater love has no man than…” what Jesus Christ showed to us. And anyone who sacrifices their life is a mere shadow of what He has done for you and I.
Learn about “The Simplicity of Salvation” here:
This lesson was derived from the audio series >>>HERE<<<