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Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2000

Life of Moses #15

The Jews thought of works as the means of salvation; Jesus corrects that (Joh 6:28-29). The work of God is faith, but also faith is the evidence of His work in us. The crowd was still thinking of the feeding of five thousand (Joh 6:30-34). Jesus straightens their application of manna. e.g. Moses gave it to the Jews (Joh 6:35-40). (1) Manna is a type of Christ; (2) it was a supernatural provision of Grace; (3) The manna had to be gathered daily; (4) Manna met the need according to their hunger; (5) It was profitable only as they acted in obedience. Testing was for their benefit (Deu 8:16). Israel did not learn a thing; testing God is failure to trust Him (Exo 17:1-7). In Exodus 16, Manna is a picture of Jesus incarnation. In Exodus 17, water from the rock is a picture of the Crucifixion. In Numbers 20, Moses is told to speak to the rock -- a picture of Christ resurrected. The water of the rock -- Christ is the source of never-ending blessings. (1) trials are designed to bring them/us to the end of themselves/ourselves to the cross -- a picture of general Grace (Rom 2:4, Act 17:27, Gal 4:3). When we come to the cross we find rest. When God guides us to the finished work of Christ, He guides us to rest (Mat 11:28, Heb 4:3). This is the foundation of the faith-rest life -- a journey of stages the Lord directs us to rest in trial. "Learn from Me, and you'll find rest for your souls" (Mat 11:29, Heb 4:9, Heb 4:11). Faith-rest is in stages of spiritual growth -- "faith to faith" (Rom 1:17); "strength to strength" (Psa 84:7); "glory to glory" (2Co 3:18, 1Pe 1:7). We start at the cross, are led into spirituality, then sanctification (Rom 12:1-2) and spiritual growth (2Pe 3:18), then service. It's impossible to learn without testing -- no water (Exo 17:2-3). Moses took his problems to God. You cannot learn faith-rest in conditions of comfort. Faithfulness of God in the past provides a promise to rely on in testing (Exo 16:23). Testing produces growth (Rom 5:3, Jam 1:2-5, 1Pe 1:6-7). The children of Israel tested God for 40 years; they saw His works but not His blessings (Heb 3:8-9). Heart of unbelief is evil and departed from God (Heb 3:12, Psa 106:14-15). Christ is the rock (Deu 32:15, Mat 16:18, 1Pe 2:4-8, 1Co 10:4); the water is the Holy Spirit (Joh 7:37-39). The Lord is our banner (Exo 17:8-16 Psa 60:4); He provides the victory (Gal 5:17, Rom 8:14).

Scripture References: Romans 5:3, Romans 2:4, Matthew 16:18, Hebrews 4:9, Exodus 16:23, Exodus 17:1-7, Deuteronomy 32:15, Matthew 11:29, Romans 8:14, Exodus 17:2-3, Deuteronomy 8:16, Psalms 106:14-15, Hebrews 4:3, Galatians 5:17, Romans 12:1-2, John 6:35-40, Hebrews 3:12, Matthew 11:28, Psalms 60:4, Psalms 84:7, John 6:30-34, Hebrews 3:8-9, Galatians 4:3, Exodus 17:8-16, Romans 1:17, John 6:28-29, James 1:2-5, Acts 17:27, John 7:37-39, Hebrews 4:11

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