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Gene Cunningham - June 9, 2000

Life of Moses #16

Moses grew into the role of deliverer (Exo 18:1-12). Lessons God is teaching about leadership. Leadership is a skill we all need, because we'll have to lead someone sometime. Leading someone to Christ takes leadership skill; e.g. lead by example. Good followers can make good leaders. Leadership begins with following the plan of God (Exo 18:1). Leadership requires being an example (Heb 3:23-29, 1Th 1:6-7). Leadership begins at home (Exo 18:2-6, Moses had failed complying with the Abraham covenant - Exo 4:24). Moses failed in his marraige and appears to not reconcile with Zapora. Moses was to speak to th rock, not strike it, so failed (1Co 10:4). We need to practice leadership where we are. True leadership gives credit where it is due (Exo 18:7-12). Moses credits deliverance of God. Jethro comments of God's power over the arrogant gods or demons of the Nile (Exo 18:11, 1Co 10:20). Leadership is a team effort (Exo 18:12); it's a matter of fellowship, unity, and serving together. Good leaders can listen and learn from subordinates. Leadership recognizes someone else's criticism and suggestions (Exo 18:13-27). Leadership focuses effort on finding the best person for the task. Jethro had four suggestions: (1) stand before God, (2) teach them; (3) be an example; (4) find men to do the job who know the truth and hate covetousness, materialism. Part of leadership is to work himself out of a job, training someone else to do it.

Scripture References: Exodus 18:2-6, Hebrews 3:23-29, Exodus 18:13-27, Exodus 18:1, Exodus 18:12, Exodus 18:1-12, Exodus 18:11, Exodus 18:7-12, Exodus 4:24

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