Some may ask, “Why should we study the missionary methods of Paul? Surely, in all this time, we have grown beyond his old ways and have found better ways of accomplishing ministry.”
To this I would say, look around at the condition of the church at large throughout the world today, and see if you can find a model of success that compares to Paul. Yes, we have our “mega-churches.” They have huge congregations and lots of money, but are they successful in the sight of God? Are they raising up a generation of mature, Bible-instructed believers? I think not. The ignorance of the average believer today is astounding. Many cannot even give a clear presentation of the Gospel message.
In a recent survey across the United States, only about 13% of regular church goers said that they believe in hell, and about the same number doubted the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible. The church as a whole is in a shambles, and the reason is that we have forsaken the God-given way—exemplified by Paul—to achieve the great commission of “making disciples of all nations” (Mat 28:19).

Gene Cunningham - April 19, 2023

If Jesus doesn't come back soon

If Jesus Christ doesn't come soon, you and I are going to watch the demise of our nation. And here he quotes Isaiah 40:6-8, “because all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls away.” There is all of human history. There is every kingdom that has ever arisen on this earth. There is every civilization. No matter how beautiful the flower, the grass withers and the flower falls. The flower of the United States of America is about to fall. If Jesus Christ doesn't come soon, you and I are going to watch the demise of our nation. And it's going to break my heart because this nation has been the brightest light in modern history. It has been to the modern age what the nation of Israel should have been and sometimes was in their own age. And the greatest hope for freedom, liberty and prosperity and compassion is going to be gone from the earth.

From Series: "Gospel Shorts"

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