Basic Training Bible Ministries was founded in 1994 with the objective of providing categorical Bible teaching and study materials— without cost—to those who desire them. As such, this ministry continues to exist due to the free-will offerings of believers who desire to be part of our outreach.
As a ministry of biblical truth, we are convinced that the Church has been given one mission—to “make disciples” (MAT 28:19). Jesus’ parting words to His disciples remain as the “guidon,” or battle flag, to which all true ministries must adhere. The task of disciple-making is achieved in three distinct actions: evangelism, edification, and equipping:
Evangelism. We believe in “teaching evangelism.” By this we mean that the most effective way to reach the lost is to teach about the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ as Redeemer and Savior through the work of His cross.
Edification. The New Testament epistles make it clear that “growing up” in the faith is primarily the result of a clear understanding of major Bible doctrines and their implementation in life. This results from a right relationship with God, maintained by surrendering to His indwelling Spirit and obedience to His Word. The Word of God provides the building blocks for the spiritual life.
Equipping. All Christians are called to be active participants in reaching the lost and building the faith of fellow believers. Each believer is spiritually gifted for a specific role in the body. To operate effectively in that gift, the believer must be given clear biblical instruction on how to fulfill his spiritual responsibilities. These include fellowship in a local church, prayer, giving, and service. Since the Bible is the final authority for all matters of faith and conduct, it becomes the text book for an active and productive Christian life.
In summary, the goal of Basic Training Bible Ministries is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming His sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection. All doctrines in the New Testament compliment and perpetuate the work of the cross of Christ in our lives. To accomplish this goal, we rely on the Spirit of God to motivate the grace giving of believers whom God is pleased to make part of this effort. We will never solicit funds, nor will we operate this ministry beyond the time that our faithful Lord ceases to provide those funds. With the whole world as our arena, the Word of God as our authority, and the Holy Spirit as our guide, we are confident that we cannot fail!