Greetings to you all in the matchless grace of God.
We are beginning a busy year, with several missions already planned, and with some new invitations to remote areas of the world.
We are now in South Asia, having just completed phase one of our mission journey. Working with Pastor JF, and his faithful son JJ. We began with a Sunday service at the central church, where I taught on the importance of redeeming time. We had two sessions, with the first being “Redeeming the Time Because the Days Are Evil” (Eph. 5:15–16), and the second on “Redeeming the Time Because the Time is Short” (1 Cor. 7:29–31).
We then hosted a three-day conference for village pastors and their wives at a beautiful center where, for three days, lodging, meals, and teaching were provided for these poor, fellow workers. Imagine these pastors and wives, having three days of comfort and rest, with no meals to prepare, no clothes to wash, no children to care for—nothing but fellowship and worship and learning the Word of God. Because these pastors and their wives live on so little, we were able to provide their travel expenses and happily bless them each: the pastor with a new set of clothes, and a new colorful saree for the wives.
Nan taught the ladies Proverbs 31, and I had the privilege to teach both men and women First and Second Thessalonians, focusing on living in light of “The Day of Christ” (Rapture), and how that day will initiate the “Day of the Lord” (Tribulation). There was great interest by all of the attendees, and some very good questions that we were able to evaluate and answer from Scripture.
At the end of the conference, we were overwhelmed as these poor village pastors and their wives took up an offering for us to bring to the people we will soon be visiting up in the mountains. As Paul says is 2 Corinthians 8:1–5, “They gave beyond their ability because they had first given themselves to God.” These funds will be used to provide some spending money for the students at the Theological College and help support the little girls at the orphanage.
On returning to the central church, we had three days of fasting and prayer, and I was able to teach on how The Lord’s Prayer gives us a template for an effective prayer life.
We are now preparing for phase two of the journey, as we head into the foothills of the Himalayas, with our beloved tribal people, and the students at the Theological College. Not only will we bring funds to support the Children’s Home, and support for 13 of the College students, but we will have several days to teach the Word and enjoy their hospitality in the high and rugged mountains. The nights will be frigid, with temperatures around freezing, and no heat! But the love and fellowship of these precious people is its own kind of warming fire. At the end of this time, we will be honored to join in the 25th Anniversary of this Theological College with many alumni students and staff in attendance.
Pastor Thr., who runs the Children’s Home, will be our host during this time. We always look forward to time with him and the “family” at the orphanage.
Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to be a blessing to “our tribe” in the mountains.
As we travel and minister abroad, we are always mindful that it is only by God’s grace supplied from your hands that we are able to do what we are called to do. Thank you!
We value your prayers,
Gene and Nan