May 7, 2008
Dear Friends and Family,
We apologize for not writing sooner as we know many of you have been praying diligently for us while we have been overseas. We have not had much opportunity to email and even now our time is short. We just send our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your prayers and support as this mission trip has been so fruitful and encouraging.
I will just give you a quick recap of where we have been and what we have done,and pass on some information for your prayers. A more complete report with pictures will follow later.
The ministry in Asia went very well. God allowed us safe passage in a restricted area to meet with about 50 hungry bible college students. We spent 6 FULL days of teaching with them (from 9am to 9 pm with few breaks in between!) and at the end they said they were very satisfied, but in tears because we were leaving! These students will now return to villages and churches throughout the mountains where they live, to live out what they have been taught and to pass it on to others!
Last week we had our first four day Children’s Bible School in India. The attendance was good with over 1000 kids. Gene and I joined together to teach the senior classs while the rest of our team (Kim, Janet, Katelynn, Annemaree and Des) taught the juniors. It was fun to work with Gene in children’s ministry! He is just as great a teacher with the young ones as he is with the adults. As we finished the last day and the children all wanted to come and shake our hands and say their "thank you’s" I couldn’t help but fall into tears knowing I wouldn’t see them again for another year! I love the ministry where ever we go but these children of India have a special place in my heart.
On Monday Gene left for Pakistan. He met up with Logan Carnell in Karachi. I spoke with Gene briefly last night and he arrived safely and was ready to go out to begin teaching. Good news! His first class was being held at a new church- it was built in a vacant lot where last year he and Logan stood arm in arm with the Pastor and prayed for God to provide a chuch for that location! He will have a pastor’s conference on May 10 and 11 followed by village ministry. Continue to pray for these open doors!
I am still in India with the team of "aunties" doing the second Children’s Bible School. We will finish it up tomorrow and do some village children’s ministry over the weekend. On Monday I leave India to join Gene in Pakistan. There will be a ladies conference on May 14 and 15. I am really excited about the opportunity to encourage these women from God’s Word. They live such difficult lives and I am asking The Heavenly Father to lift them up with His love, grace and truth!
Please remember to pray for our friends in Burma. Our recent translator and others from the Bible College are from Yangon and we don’t know yet how they have fared through the recent devastation from the cyclone. We do know that The Lord faithfully works through these disasters to spead the gospel and bring people to him. Pray for Believers there to be strong in their faith during this time and to shed the light of His love in the darkness of current conditions in Burma.
We give thanks often for all of you who join in this ministry through prayer and support! You are an encouragement to us and useful vessels is God’s awesome plan! Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might!
Nancy Cunningham