Micah gives the time of writing as “in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah,” (Mic 1:1). This places his ministry from about 740 to 710 B.C. This book of his prophecies was likely compiled around 700 B.C. He was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. His name is a shortened form of “Micaiah” (cf. 1Ki 22:8–28, another prophet), meaning “Who is like Jehovah.”

Seven Sign-Posts of the End Times – Canberra, Australia 2012

Gene Cunningham - December 7, 2023

Call Him Jesus

Gabriel introduces the Hero when he announces, “Behold, you conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and call his name Jesus.” It might interest you to know that Jesus in the Hebrew is Yeshua which means, “The salvation of Jehovah.” The first time it occurs in Genesis 49:18 where Jacob is giving prophecies concerning his sons. He comes to the son Dan and says he is like a serpent that bites the heels of the horse and causes the rider to fall a serpent. The very next thing Jacob says is, “Oh Lord, I have waited for Yeshua,” Isn’t that precious? Yeshua is next found in Exodus 14:13, after Moses and the children of Israel have come out of Egypt. They finally got to a place. They've got the armies of the Egyptians behind them. They got a mountain on both sides of them. They got the Red Sea in front of them and the people began to panic. What does Moses say? “Stand still and you will see Yeshua.” Absolutely amazing, especially when just the night before they took the blood of the lamb, they struck the door posts and the lintel. What do you think that blood made on the door? It made a cross. Isn’t that amazing.

Scripture References: Luke 1:31, Exodus 14:13

From Series: "Christmas 2023"

People often ask how we can know that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. My answer is always the same, “Look at the record of the prophets.” It is reasonably certain that at least 25% of our Bible is made up of prophecy, while some suggest as much as 60% or more. There are many passages that have prophetic shadows and implications that are not specifically considered prophecies. Let’s take the words of Zacharias as a challenge to reflect on just a few of the prophecies concerning the coming and incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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