The little book of Jude is seldom read, and rarely preached—much to the loss of the Body of Christ. Whereas today many messages and ministries are trumpets giving an uncertain call (1Co 4:8), this small book is a clear call to believers in Jesus Christ to enter the invisible war raging from the beginning of time. In the age-old campaign of Satan against God, the issue is always truth or deception (Joh 8:44–45). Thus, Jude confronts the deceivers of his time with the timeless truth of the good news of life in Christ, and challenges those who have received this life to “contend earnestly [struggle valiantly] for the faith.”

Gene Cunningham - February 3, 2003

Titus #8

Titus #8

Testimony of Desert Storm veterans. History is "His story". National flaws of the Cretians (Tit 1:10-13). "Rebuke" or reprove" (Tit 1:13) means to "cut it off", but implies the work of the Spirit, and requires the establishment of spiritual authority. Components of our soul: volition, mentality, conscience, and emotion (Ecc 3:11, Rom 2:14-15, Rom 3:19-20) -- God exists, and we need Him -- we don't measure up. In a healthy soul, the conscience holds the principles of God's truth. Spiritual capacity for life is possible with the emotion in a healthy soul. However, uncontrolled emotion, makes for miserable ups and downs. The steps to a healthy soul ("sound in the faith" - Tit 1:13) are covered in 2Pe 1:5-7: excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly love, and agape love. The way to an unhealthy soul is listed in Eph 4:17-19: walking as the Gentiles, futility, darkening of the soul, hardness of heart, sensuality -- emotion is the dictator: apostasy, then sin unto death. Foundation of the house (a healthy soul) is Jesus Christ, and there are 5 floors. These reflect Jesus' approach to life -- what He'd think or how He'd respond to circumstances: (1) Grace Orientation; (2) Mastery of the Details of Life; (3) Relaxed Mental Attitude (1Co 15:10); (4) Love; (5) Happiness. Word of God needs to come in and "go out" in application. Holy Spirit's job is behind the building up of our soul (1Co 2:16). Synonyms for edification in the soul: "light", "glory", "fullness", "complete", and "work". "Jewish fables, and commandments of men" (Tit 1:14) are the basis of Gnosticism. God's Grace + Edification = Stability (Col 2:6-7): there is no place for guilt, human merit, nor human obligation. "Firmly rooted" refers to the cross. "established in the faith" is the stability. The danger is false information and adding to Christ's work (Joh 19:30) -- legalism, rationalism, empiricism -- which rob us of freedom in Him (Col 2:8-10).

Scripture References: Romans 3:19-20, Colossians 2:8-10, Romans 2:14-15, John 19:30, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Colossians 2:6-7, Titus 1:13, Titus 1:14, Titus 1:10-13, Ephesians 4:17-19, Titus 1:13

From Series: "Titus - 2007"

The Apostle Paul wrote to Titus a student of his who became a pastor regarding faith knowledge and hope.

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